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  • A Swing and a Critical Miss, My impressions of green and what it did. [on release that is]


    New Member
    So with the release of green server, there is some new hype in the community about the changes coming to Vulengate, so i decided to give them a critical over view and go in depth with the changes, and the pros and cons that come with it. From the top.

    Pros of Green:
    - The new market has endless plots, meaning no rent and space restrictions.

    - New PVP arena is right at spawn and encourages friendly competition.

    - New quest System Looks Astoundingly good and gives objectives in an otherwise objective-less game.

    - The /help menu looks much more vibrant and user friendly.

    - The New boss arena looks exciting, much bigger, and should have less bugs then the one prior.

    Unfortunately, This is where the pros end as now comes the onslaught of newly arisen problems.

    Cons of Green:
    - Wild gear and Vote items are achievable though basic in game play, meaning that their value diminishes as soon as most players hit level 30 and begin enchanting.

    - The PVP arena was advertised as a selling point of the new server, and frankly is underwhelming in size and scope.

    - The Markets being in a never ending system of largeness is a problem as it will suffer from whats called the Farther back awareness effect. Where in Minecraft, the farther away something is, the less likely players are to go to it. Plus, if there are big shops upfront, and small ones behind, then they will be incredibly hard to find, which for most players of young age, is reason enough not to bother looking. (there are exceptions here, but they aren't enough to counter the point)

    - Player based economy is still going to eventually downward spiral due to whats known as the Kick the can Effect of open economies. Where players can devalue or over value items at will, other players come to accept those prices as the norm, and other players are told "your item is too over priced" or "this is such a good deal, forget about that other place" Whats worse about this system is eventually those players leave the server after having their fill, and new players are left to adapt to an ever worsening economy that will continue to get worse as more and more players make up their own values, and curb stomp the "true" value of an item. This ultimately means the economies will return to how they were on red/blue, but will do so Slower now, as over powered items have been removed from vote/wild crates.

    - With cross server key trading being a thing, Destabilization of the server economies can now happen faster with more keys being in flux around the servers.

    - Any event crates introduced will likely have underwhelming items, or said items will be of more value than anything else, meaning that as soon as they are introduced, EVEN IF THEY ARE ONLY COSMETIC, will begin economic destabilization as they are beyond the normal scope of items, and will drive the normal items into a realm of worthlessness by comparison.

    - By being MVP, i've gotten 6 wild keys, which lead to me not needing another sword until an event crate one comes, as i got sharp 4 and smite 4, which means every mob there is is already too weak to survive more than a hit or two, instantly killing any challenge the game had before ive even left spawn.

    From what I've seen, These changes are best described as: If someone were bleeding out, and the surgeons slapped on a bandage to Slow the bleeding, patted you on your back and sent you on your way. The same problems that existed on old red and blue will still emerge, they just will appear significantly slower than prior, Which isn't a fix. Resets for the reason of poor economy in the future will still be a necessity and we will be right back at square one when they happen. Normally, this is the part where i would list out fixes, but I've done so in other posts and they have been overlooked or disagreed with by staff, so no need to repeat myself. This is just my two cents on the matter, feel free to leave a response.
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    Theres is a known effect called Shut the fuck up lunario, its when a known lunario talks about dumb shit then shuts the fuck up. Pretty crazy.
    why are you like this
    I dont mean to offend or cause issue, but its because in the swoop of 2 days, Vulengate went from an enjoyable place to use my time to something i would prefer not to be a part of anymore. Plus, There should always be someone to challenge the way things are done and to question the things that don't make sense. And forgive me, but Green and the solutions it presents are no where near a fix youre looking for, and in about a year of time, you will likely be right back where you began, just with a slightly different set up.
    Thanks for posting this, I was going to do something similar but I didn't get around to it yet. I want to emphasize the problems with infinite market plots and the crate rewards, though.
    Things will not be the same as before, that's the consequence of change. And change is part of life ... you have to accept and (or learn to) "let go" of things, because sooner or later things always come to an end. ;)

    No matter what the setup would be, there will always be things people might like or dislike, or could be done different, perhaps better ... its pretty much impossible to please everyone. So, either people take some time, adjust to it and enjoy being part of the community, or - if they are unhappy about the changes made - find another community that does make them happy. Right?
    Things will not be the same as before, that's the consequence of change. And change is part of life ... you have to accept and (or learn to) "let go" of things, because sooner or later things always come to an end. ;)

    No matter what the setup would be, there will always be things people might like or dislike, or could be done different, perhaps better ... its pretty much impossible to please everyone. So, either people take some time, adjust to it and enjoy being part of the community, or - if they are unhappy about the changes made - find another community that does make them happy. Right?

    The problem i have with that attitude, is its something of a Defeatist attitude. "If you dont like it here, give up on it and move on till you find something you like". Thats not what struggling for the great things is about, and certainly not something i could agree with and follow.
    Things will not be the same as before, that's the consequence of change. And change is part of life ... you have to accept and (or learn to) "let go" of things, because sooner or later things always come to an end. ;)

    No matter what the setup would be, there will always be things people might like or dislike, or could be done different, perhaps better ... its pretty much impossible to please everyone. So, either people take some time, adjust to it and enjoy being part of the community, or - if they are unhappy about the changes made - find another community that does make them happy. Right?
    ..what? I think Lunario was just trying to point out some agree problems with the update. While I agree with what you said, not really relevant.
    The problem i have with that attitude, is its something of a Defeatist attitude. "If you dont like it here, give up on it and move on till you find something you like". Thats not what struggling for the great things is about, and certainly not something i could agree with and follow.

    That is not a defeatist attitude at all. I'm just saying you should be realistic. Sure, you can share your opinion about it, as you did. And you do make some reasonable points.

    I am pretty sure though that the server crew has thought long and hard about everything. It's not like this is their very first attempt to run a server. And you do have to keep in mind that at the end the server crew has to decided what they think works best and they can deal with optimally.

    If you think you could do a much better job, well, perhaps you should run a server yourself then? ;)
    That is not a defeatist attitude at all. I'm just saying you should be realistic. Sure, you can share your opinion about it, as you did. And you do make some reasonable points. I am pretty sure though that the server crew has thought long and hard about everything. I am pretty sure too that their choices were not made over night. And you do have to keep in mind that at the end the server crew has to decided what they think works best and they can deal with optimally.

    And if you think you could do a much better job, well, perhaps you should run a server yourself then? ;)

    And thats all good and well under normal circumstances. But people have spent money here, and friends spent money on me for the server. It would be a disservice to them, myself, and what the server is to not voice these concerns and push for positive change. Mind you, they may very well have spent a load of time on this, but there are Many elements that werent considered, and possibly over looked. What i listed above are what i see as such.
    But people have spent money here, and friends spent money on me for the server.

    Sure, and it was nice that you guys donated something. You were not obliged / forced to donate in order to play on Vulengate, weren't you? Donating was a choice.

    This is how donations work, you give money freely and willingly as support (normally even without getting anything in return). You are not buying a product or service, thus no guarantees. Right?
    Sure, and it was nice that you guys donated something. You were not obliged / forced to donate in order to play on Vulengate, weren't you? Donating was a choice.

    This is how donations work, you give money freely and willingly as support (normally even without getting anything in return). You are not buying a product or service, thus no guarantees. Right?

    The Legal Definition of a Donation is to Give With no expectation or receiving of a return. In the case of the keys, upgrades, etc, They are a purchase. Not a donation, and its blatantly obvious. you "donate" the certain amount, and you get an item. Its a purchase, not a donation. If there was no reward, and you donated, and then someone on the server gave something back to you as a thank you, then that is a donation going to a donator. A Mutual Donation. This is not what happens here. It lists a price for the product, you pay it, you get it.

    Edit: Its even Called a Server Store XD
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    The Legal Definition of a Donation is to Give With no expectation or receiving of a return.
    ... This is not what happens here. It lists a price for the product, you pay it, you get it.

    You are right. Calling it "donations" is indeed a rather creative but incorrect description for the actual transaction. ;) hehehe

    So, I guess it's more like buying a ticket for the cinema. You pay, you see the movie and you go home. It's not like you can ask your money back if you didn't like the movie, or ask for another ticket instead. Kind of the same here with the server. Ok, you did pay for something and you did receive that something right? You have used / benefited from what you have payed for already, right?
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    My problem with your post is that within 2 hours of Green being released, you decided to make a negative post telling me that everything will just go back to being broken. Maybe you should have a little more faith in people and be more supportive.
    I dont mean to offend or cause issue, but its because in the swoop of 2 days, Vulengate went from an enjoyable place to use my time to something i would prefer not to be a part of anymore. Plus, There should always be someone to challenge the way things are done and to question the things that don't make sense. And forgive me, but Green and the solutions it presents are no where near a fix youre looking for, and in about a year of time, you will likely be right back where you began, just with a slightly different set up.
    Please dont come back you neckbeard brony.
    My problem with your post is that within 2 hours of Green being released, you decided to make a negative post telling me that everything will just go back to being broken. Maybe you should have a little more faith in people and be more supportive.

    Its not a Negative post tho. Its Constructive. I out line What i notice to be good, What i notice to be bad, and my final take on it based on those observations. The point isnt to put you down Ashinos, its to out line what is, and what could be so you can act to change it, at least from my point of view. This was never meant to offend you or cause harm.

    edit: and i understand why you would see it as such, considering the Not so constructive criticism people have been spamming you with. Sorry thats happening to you bud.
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    My problem with your post is that within 2 hours of Green being released, you decided to make a negative post telling me that everything will just go back to being broken. Maybe you should have a little more faith in people and be more supportive.
    In his defense - It wasn't really negative, just showing some things that could be improved and preventing future problems. He made a list of problems that he felt should be addressed and instead of thanking him for the feedback you regarded it as a negative response to the new green server. He even addressed and acknowledged at the beginning multiple 'pros' of green. This isn't negative, it's constructive criticism.
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    In his defense - It wasn't really negative, just showing some things that could be improved and preventing future problems. He made a list of problems that he felt should be addressed and instead of thanking him for the feedback you regarded it as a negative response to the new green server. He even addressed and acknowledged at the beginning multiple 'pros' of green. This isn't negative, it's constructive criticism.
    It is not constructive criticism. This is all just general feedback and most of it is negative. If you wish to leave constructive criticism then you should bring up problems and how you think they could be solved, not just announce problems you assume will arise in the future or personal dislikes like the PVP Arena.
    If you are saying this is just feedback then I accept it, though I think you jumped to a lot of conclusions. Like I said, have some faith.