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  • A Swing and a Critical Miss, My impressions of green and what it did. [on release that is]

    ...it will suffer from whats called the Farther back awareness effect.

    I can't say I familiarize with the Kick the can effect either.

    I can't say I familiarize with the Kick the can effect either.

    Its what i call it. More or less, children have less and less care the farther they have to go for something. Their sense of reward has to be more instant when compared to adults. XD
    It is not constructive criticism. This is all just general feedback and most of it is negative. If you wish to leave constructive criticism then you should bring up problems and how you think they could be solved, not just announce problems you assume will arise in the future or personal dislikes like the PVP Arena.
    If you are saying this is just feedback then I accept it, though I think you jumped to a lot of conclusions. Like I said, have some faith.
    I did make mention at the end of the post that i had offered ways to solve these issues prior, but they were brushed off by other staff, yourself included. You guys made your choice on how i thought to fix it, so there is no reason to be a broken record and bring up what was already said. It was constructive critism just without the redundancy. This will be the last time i bring up this topic, as there isnt much reason to keep it going.
    It is not constructive criticism. This is all just general feedback and most of it is negative. If you wish to leave constructive criticism then you should bring up problems and how you think they could be solved, not just announce problems you assume will arise in the future or personal dislikes like the PVP Arena.
    If you are saying this is just feedback then I accept it, though I think you jumped to a lot of conclusions. Like I said, have some faith.
    Constructive criticism does not always need to involve solutions to the problem, a good chunk of the time it is simply pointing out issues. Besides, a few fixes were self-implied. Anyways, I'm not going to try to argue about it. I just want to point out that it's a little hard to have faith in you when your first response is "why are you like this" and you don't respond to the majority of concerns directed forward. Both on this thread and elsewhere. With that said, though, you've done a great job on the server so far and I'm sure the whole team has been very busy working extremely hard on this project. So with that in mind, I'd like to thank you all for your effort! Much appreciated! <3
    I do think that the initial post and some of the comments on it were intended as "constructive criticism", but at the same time I get the impression that those who wrote the posts/comments kind of expect their ideas to be implemented, and if not, that the crew fails in their "duties" and that the persons who gave their "constructive criticism" are "robbed" of something (why otherwise did the topic of money come up?).

    Sometimes "constructive criticism" sounds great in theory but in reality is very impractical or even problematic to implement.

    Perhaps what you suggested would simply not work well with the present setup and used combi of mods/plugins, or suggested modifications would make maintaining the server more complicated when additional updates/upgrades become available?

    The crew chose for a particular setup ... they have made THEIR choices about how THEY want to run THEIR server. If you don't like their choices you can of course share your "constructive criticism", but your wishes are not their commands. If you want to be in the director's chair, go ahead and run a server yourself. ;)

    That's how I see it ...
    Yo I got an idea, make your own damn server with your own rules and then you can have your perfect economy utopia. Otherwise, complaining about it will do absolutely nothing, as has been proven for a while.
    Yo I got an idea, make your own damn server with your own rules and then you can have your perfect economy utopia. Otherwise, complaining about it will do absolutely nothing, as has been proven for a while.

    What i posted here was constructive criticism based on observations of the new server. Your idea of go make your own might as well be just "if you dont like how we do it, fuck you and get out." There is nothing constructive, or valuable in yelling over text on the internet. And you may not see them, but ive seen some recent changes that could very well change my mind on certain issues listed here, and very well could be from my bringing it up. I would also advise you to take some time to google up the definitions of constructive criticism, and complaining, as they are 2 very different things.

    Secondly, one of the main reasons that were listed for the reset, was the broken economy. Just because the player base hasnt made changes to the economy, you assume that staff havent made changes either. to which i say, there is more than sufficient evidence now to suggest that changes to the economy from staff have happened, So my economy talks do not fall on deaf ears as you seem to suggest.
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