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  • Beta Testing

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    Staff member


    Something we have been working on has finally reached a point where it is almost ready to be released. Before we can do that, we need some people to help us test it out! Some of you probably already know that this said "something" is. Anyway, if you would like to help out Vulengate in a big way and join a Beta Testing team, reply to this thread with the following!

    - Your In Game Name
    - Why you would like to join the Beta Testing
    - Discord Name

    Give other people you think should be beta testers a like on their post!

    Please note that we are looking for people that are willing to spend time playing on the game to make sure everything is functional! Anything that is too overpowered, broken or can be exploited must be reported!

    Looking forward to seeing who gets in, good luck!

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    IGN: PatStar359
    Discord Name: PatStar359
    Reason why id like to help: I always like helping and it would be a great honor to help the server achieve better for the future. Im very honest and open minded and i can help give ideas and report issues i find. I can spend my time beta testing and figuring out steps with you. Plus i hope it helps me for people to get to know me more and gain my trust.
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    I want to be in the beta testers because...idk I could test out commands and stuff. remember when I broke fredboat music bot on discord? that was lit. oh, yah cause I think I would be a great asset to the beta testers.
    Name: Kimbr
    Why: I have been an avid player of Red Vulengate since the beginning of November and would love to contribute to the progression of the server. I already report bugs I find over on Red and will continue to do so for Green to make sure it is a safe and fair environment for players. Usually I am able to spend a good deal of time on the server and feel like this would be something I could do to help.
    I am incredibly excited for Green and hope to get a chance to experience this with other Beta Testers.
    Discord: Kimbr#6078


    Something we have been working on has finally reached a point where it is almost ready to be released. Before we can do that, we need some people to help us test it out! Some of you probably already know that this said "something" is. Anyway, if you would like to help out Vulengate in a big way and join a Beta Testing team, reply to this thread with the following!

    - Your In Game Name
    - Why you would like to join the Beta Testing

    Please note that we are looking for people that are willing to spend time playing on the game to make sure everything is functional! Anything that is too overpowered, broken or can be exploited must be reported!

    Looking forward to seeing who gets in, good luck!

    IGN: haxm4n
    I would like to beta test because as a programmer, I understand the importance of testing new features and I know it can be frustrating if they don't work or they are complications. I just hope that my testing can help bring this new feature to the rest of the community faster.
    IGN : CluckerTheMop

    Reason why I'd Like to help: I would like to help as I wanna help the server in anyway possible as it has given a lot to the community in way of competitions a and I have nothing to do most days so I can be helping a lot of the time. I would also like this new thing to be a polished and clean as it could possibly clean , so I would report the smallest of bugs and glitches which may happen whilst I play.
    IGN: RampantLeaf
    I'm interested in beta testing because Vulengate is a community that I love being a part of and would like to contribute in any way that I can. I also just plain wanna test new secret stuff. I play on blue btw.
    IGN: thezombiehuman
    Discord: Ty_____ler

    The reason Id like to join beta testing team:
    Id like to be apart of the beta testing team because I feel like I could help out the server a lot if needed. I just want to help the server in any way I can. Ive been a player of blue for at least 4 months now I think.. maybe a little less, me and the other players get along very well. I am very honest and you could trust me with anything, if you dont believe me then tell me how to gain your trust and I will do so. It would be great helping out with anything needed and testing everything out. Thank you for taking the time to read this and have a great day!! :)
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    Discord: P4ndaGaming

    I would love to be a beta tester because I have a vague knowledge of bugs/glitches and if i find any glitches I immediately report them, I also have experience with W.I.P games/servers. I will also provide any information to others who need it, I hope that one day I can make a huge impact on a community and I feel like this would be the perfect starting point.

    Thanks for reading this and I hope that I get a beta tester position.

    (note the 0 is a zero)

    I would be honored to be a beta tester for the new server because I enjoy helping out Vulengate and the community. I have been actively playing on Red for a few months now (sometimes a little too actively as my exam marks will show ) and would very much like to help in the future development of this awesome server. I believe that I am becoming a more well known player and am gaining more of reputation for being helpful as I gain further knowledge the more I play.
    Thank you for your consideration.

    Discord: CosMech#5687
    Username:TheHumanCreep Discord: L3mur#6531
    Since I'm not good at one specific thing like coding or engineering, I can be the person that people can go to if they are stuck with something.
    My goal is to make sure that VulenGreen(what I call it don't judge) is to make it as good as possible. I know that is not possible, cause even the most polished games have glitches. But if we really focus and put our soul into it we can make it the best we can.(kinda cheesy i know, but what i think about the server)

    PS thank you pez for rating my post optamistic ;)
    - Your In Game Name -
    - Why you would like to join the Beta Testing -
    I'd love to join Beta Testing because it seems like an enjoyable experience, I like trying out new things and I've tested custom mobs and items on a small server before and found it incredibly enjoyable. I joined around December and the servers have been great fun for me (I mostly play on blue but I've hung around on red a bit) so I'd like to help out where I can as a sort of returning the favor for all the fun times I've had in the community so far. At the moment I have practically all the time in the world, so diligence and activity won't be a problem for me, I have no other commitments that would hinder me, aside from sleeping... I'm quite dedicated so I won't get bored of this or just ditch it if I find something else to do. I hope this is what you guys are looking for xD I'd love the opportunity to help the server in a larger way that just voting and such.
    - Discord Name -
    Name: herocreeper23
    Why you would like to join Beta Testing: Beta testing is always a fun test run to make sure everything works properly. I think i could be of good use for the beta testing because i have a lot of experience with issues that occur on the server.

    Discord: Herocreeper23#4474
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    I've been playing on this server for almost, if not already, a year now and have always loved it when big updates have come out to the server. Even better, I love being able to beta test these updates. I remember beta testing the Blue server, and I'd be very excited to beta test another addition to Vulengate.

    In Game Name: James_The_Mage
    I would like to join Beta Testing because I enjoy helping out on the server and would love to contribute in a more meaningful way. Other then that I think it would just be a good experience and a way to broaden my horizons.
    Discord: Dr. James
    In Game Name: TurtleGirlRekz_
    Reason: I love helping and supporting this server so anything I can do I am so up for. Being a beta tester would be a really cool thing to experience in my opinion.
    Discord: TurtleGirl#3539
    <ps on a side note I'm unsure why my background is black and others are grey xD>
    In Game Name : Vitality_Timmy
    reason: i want to join the beta test because i can think outside the box on every single way something could be used and i play on blue already a lot and would like to see what the beta has and i have entire days at my disposal because i don't have school and no job at the moment so i just play games all day and I'm also alright enough with redstone if that is needed to be tested as well in the beta test and if you need me at any time I'm most likely on blue and have discord most of the time on my second monitor.
    Discord: Vitality#7458
    IGN AlacrityFitz
    DISCORD FitzhughKSCS

    Testing games and mods is one of my fave things to do. I like to test limits and find balance points berween godlike power and useless gimick.
    Hello, my IGN is Thiv_
    I would like to join the Beta testing in order to help out the server in this new phase of expansion of the server because of the fact that even after the many attempts of other people to rebel and become better than what Vulengate has ever accomplished, I have remained true to this server and still hold value to it. I was even made staff on one of these rebellious servers and I still play on here, and am still a moderator on a server unrelated to Vulengate. I have been playing VG for several months now, and I am pleased to hear about the beta testing, willing to be open to discuss and solve any issues we may find in order to make it better. I would be honored to be chosen to help enhance the server via this.
    Discord ; Thiv_#5017
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