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  • Beta Testing

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    IGN: OathWorks
    Discord: OathWorks

    I want to join because I thoroughly enjoy breaking things. I've been a part of countless betas and can offer detailed notes/suggestions/etc. I also love Vulengate. It's been a great server to me, the people have been amazing, and it's a great way for me to give back.
    IGN: Prince_Espeon
    I tend to find bugs in any game that I play, so if I am in the Beta Test, I am probably going to find some sort of bug/exploit that I can report.
    Discord: Prince Espeon#0549
    Discord: ExoticSnipa814
    IGN: ExoticSnipa814
    I would like to join Beta testing because it would be nice to see the very beginning economy of the server develop. It would be interesting to be a part of the server, and not just a member. I have been on VG for around a month or so, and have enjoyed near all aspects since. It would be great to see what plans the server has for the future, and get early access in the process. Thank you for keeping the server as cool as it is.
    IGN: calcipherprime
    Discord: CalcipherPrime#4528

    Why I want to beta test:
    I would like to be a part of the beta testing of green server because I would like to be a part of the fantastic community of helpers that this server has. I have been happily surprised by the community here, and I would love to give back to it by using my troubleshooting and documentation skills to help ensure that the new addition to the family of servers comes to life with as few hiccups as possible.

    Why I would be a good candidate:
    I have a background in IT working with Microsoft's Sharepoint Online Dedicated servers, so I'm not afraid of taking notes and documenting all my findings in detail. I'm a naturally detail oriented person, and I have been trained in my previous profession to push on the outlying details to find where they break. I have previously alpha tested Gearbox Software's Battleborn, have worked on multiple game projects in my Computer Game Design classes in college, and have been playing Minecraft (single player) since it was a $5 budding indie game. I'm familiar with redstone, and would like to focus on testing certain redstone builds.

    Myself and a few others from my Discord have already discussed moving to Green Server when it releases, so as someone with future stake in the well being of the server I would greatly appreciate the opportunity to help.

    I'm calcipherprime, and you should pick me for class president because I'll buy pizza.
    IGN: Nutmeg_Juice
    Discord name: Nutty

    As an active player of Vulengate, I would like to give back as thanks for the wonderful Minecraft experience it has provided. I would consider myself very truthful and honest, as the advancement and quality of the server is in my best interest. With that said, I won't hesitate to report any bugs, or imbalances in the game experience if I get to test the new things out. I also think it would be very fun for me and something I'd definitely want to be a part of.
    I would be honoured to be selected to help out with this beta testing process. Thanks for reading! :D
    IGN: Eagleshade
    Discord: Eagleshade#2762
    I very highly enjoy working on finding every bug, glitch, or thing that can be taken advantage of (only when allowed of course) and love being able to help.
    - Your In Game Name: CDUBBS89
    - Why you would like to join the Beta Testing: because i can look on what can be exploited and report it instantly, Also i would like to improve green alot!
    - Discord Name: 7mada#0940
    in game name: andward21
    i would like to join the beta testing because i want to help vulengate to grow and be a bigger minecraft server
    discord: andward21
    - Your In Game Name: ImpossibleClara and Kage__
    - Why you would like to join the Beta Testing: We can guarantee that every aspect of the Beta will be explored to sniff out problems to report. Given Kage's professional background with troubleshooting technical problems and both of our history of exploring Red and Blue, we have a good idea what to look out for and lend a hand.
    - Discord Name: ImpossibleClara (shared)
    i would like to be in the testing team because i want vulengate to grow a bigger and better server this is one of the best servers i ever been in
    and i l really like survival in Minecraft.
    discord name: andward21
    My name is Ubruntu1, I want to join the beta testing beacause:
    - I have experience in testing (found bugs on rocket league,and helped with friends mobile games)
    - I enjoy playing on here
    - I want this fabulous experience to be enjoyable for all newcommers

    -most of all, help our mods and helpers who work hard to help us and keep the server alive .
    I hope to be testing soon, and have a good day!!

    -Ubruntu1,Vulengate Blue
    My name is Ubruntu1, I want to join the beta testing beacause:
    - I have experience in testing (found bugs on rocket league,and helped with friends mobile games)
    - I enjoy playing on here
    - I want this fabulous experience to be enjoyable for all newcommers

    -most of all, help our mods and helpers who work hard to help us and keep the server alive .
    I hope to be testing soon, and have a good day!!

    -Ubruntu1,Vulengate Blue
    Also, discord is Ubruntu1
    Hi my IGN is RocketZ1. I would like to join the beta testing because I like this server and I would like to help it grow anyway I can I also would like to see and test out how some of the plugins are going to be (if its 1.13) I don't have a discord sadly but I still wish to be apart of this new server in beta.
    IGN: SanguneDeth
    Discord name: SanguineDeth
    I'd like to join the beta testing because I want the opportunity to help out the Vulengate community. I'm quite observant, which is a beneficial characteristic in testing I believe.
    IGN: _PuppyXSolstice_
    Discord: TaZiaSolstice
    Reason: I just love to help! New experiences are always my favorite and beta testing a server would be awesome. Vulengate has accomplished so much and grown so much as a community that I feel it's my duty to help. I have loads of free time I can use to experiment and explore the server! I am on the Vulengate server on discord and I'm active on that too, so if I get any messages expect a reply in less then 24 hours. :) Thank you!
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