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    1. Pter

      Sir Longsword's Introduction

      Cool! You sound like very interesting person... Good luck on the server <3! You can learn about others on this server by checking the rest of the introductions on the forums if you want Good Luck On Vulengate, -Pter ;)
    2. Pter

      Farm Mob Limit Bug?

      I don't exactly know but I think when there are too many animals in one area that are not named they start to despawn to prevent lag. However, you did mention that you have seen others with massive flocks so I'm not really sure about this -Pter
    3. Pter

      Looking for artists to display their art on my market plot for FREE - Red

      This was just a quick notice that I am looking for eager artmap artists to display their art in my art gallery shop plot. If you do not have somewhere to display your art on red, and want to sell and display it for one month free*, just msg me on red * After the one free month you can pay extra...
    4. Pter

      Vulen-South Guild (Green)

      I was wondering if I could join, I saw claras art on VSG and I thought - that is beautiful, I need to be a prt of it. XD I think it is a great idea to create a community like this <3 -Pter
    5. Pter

      Abandoned Market Plots?

      thank you, XD It'll probably be th biggest thing I built in minecaft, and that includes creative mode XD
    6. Pter

      Town Application Konigreich (updated)

      Wow, looks like an amazing town, gl with it! ;) -Pter
    7. Pter

      Abandoned Market Plots?

      I would just like to say that currently I am not selling a extremely large amount of things as my shop which I have been building on for a month and a half is still not done. I will be selling loads more items by the 13th of may though. So I do agree with your idea penny, but when people are...
    8. Pter


      XD gl....
    9. Pter

      Magnet Mod

      5 Blocks?? That is a bit too far maybe, tbh I am happy with the radius rn, don't see why we need a larger one XD -Pter
    10. Pter


      I believe they are not... Not only is it noisy, but redstone contraptions can make some people lag. My only advice is to contact a mod + about it. He hasn't been on in 14 days, and I don't expect he will be on for another 16 ;) Hope This Helped, -Pter
    11. Pter

      Magnet Mod

      I also like the idea of this, but I think it could cause many people to lag and could deter instead of intruiging the players on this server
    12. Pter

      Abandoned Market Plots?

      Yes, I also think that you should be able to "Give" Your market plot to others if you have had enough of it and I also agree that you should get some of the money back as 125k is alot
    13. Pter

      Helping out those who need it with these topics.

      You were talking about being a good builder, well dapperthulu just posted a thread about needing some help building. I'm sure he'd love you to be on his team ;) -Pter
    14. Pter

      Giant Town tree build sign up

      Gl ;), not much of a builder myself tho... -Pter
    15. Pter

      Welcome to Redfield

      Oo can't wait to see your town! Gl with it <3 -Pter
    16. Pter

      Upgrade Rank

      You could try and conctact ash about it. It does seem sensible to allow people to have a discount after they have already bought a rank. Hope This Helped, -Pter
    17. Pter

      Town Warp Application

      Gl with your town ;)
    18. Pter

      Floral Crate

      Artmap Inventory Explanation: When you sit down on a easel, it gives you all colours, feather, coal etc. in your inventory without you having to go around collecting all the different dyes. I'm not sure about canvases and paint buckets, you would have to try that out Hope This Helped ^.^ -Pter
    19. Pter


      But tbh it is that persons shop and I'm not sure whether mods, srmods or owners can get involved with that kind of stuff. Ofc they could ask, if he is ever on, but if he isn't on for 30days his plot gets evaporated sooooo XD
    20. Pter

      Town warp application

      Gl with your town, as I play on red I look forward to seeing it ^.^