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  • Fertheluvofpete...


    Can SOMEONE make the automatic door in the empty store plot on the Green server STOP opening and closing incessantly?


    But tbh it is that persons shop and I'm not sure whether mods, srmods or owners can get involved with that kind of stuff. Ofc they could ask, if he is ever on, but if he isn't on for 30days his plot gets evaporated sooooo XD
    I believe they are not... Not only is it noisy, but redstone contraptions can make some people lag. My only advice is to contact a mod + about it.

    He hasn't been on in 14 days, and I don't expect he will be on for another 16 ;)

    Hope This Helped,

    Well, I thought maybe posting here WAS letting the mods know? ;) They are awfully busy in game, so I hate to bother them. But I think we'd all appreciate it if a mod would fix it or tear it down. I'll try posting to Discord instead...