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    1. Pter

      Tutorial Area

      I totally agree, these are simple things that are easily changeable that make such a difference, good call penny -Pter
    2. Pter

      Abandoned Market Plots?

      I do agree with you, but penny and voodoo are not the only active ones. They might sell the most items, but that does not mean that others put effort into their plots and others also sell other items. If you are looking for a front row shop, I am selling floors on my scraper ;) -Pter
    3. Pter


      Wow! Ham you are really catching on to this town thing! Second one already XD I wish you all the luck for your Redfield sequel ;P -Pter
    4. Pter

      Im New...

      Great! I'm glad you like the server and I'm sure you will make a brilliant contribute to it! Good Luck On Red <3 -Pter
    5. Pter

      New Horizon Town Application

      Sometimes it takes the mods some time to review your town. I heard Kugel went around recently ticking some towns off. They probably just missed yours but I'm sure they will do it later. Mods are moderators not ignorers ;) As I said I'm sure it will only be a matter of time, so be patient <3...
    6. Pter

      Hi, I’m Milkydew!

      Green used to be the most popular, but now I'd say it is blue. But tbh it is pretty distributed. I personally would pick red ;) as there are amazing people and builders on that server. The people on red were the one thing that made me stay on this server. Gl with your time on Vulengate <3 Hope...
    7. Pter

      Town advert/application.

      I do wish you luck, it looks A.M.A.Z.I.N.G <3 -Pter
    8. Pter

      Town advert/application.

      Sounds and looks amazing, Good luck with it <3 Might need to up the population though, to have a town registered you need at least 7 people living in it. -Pter
    9. Pter


      Adding on to that, even though it doesn't really have alot to do with this, when you rtp it is says teleporting you to a safe place. Yet I have been teleported into a lava pool and died twice. Either you could say that rtping is not safe, or change the rtp to actually teleport you to a safe...
    10. Pter

      Farm Mob Limit Bug?

    11. Pter

      Welcome to Redfield

      Your town looks amazing btw, those houses and the general style of the town are to die for XD -Pter
    12. Pter

      Three Word Game

      Again, but when
    13. Pter


      It already is Frozen, no need ;) -Pter
    14. Pter

      Please Remove this Stuff

      Can mods really do that? That seems very harsh to me, someone being able to unclaim your stuff after only not being on for a month. Sometimes, a month can be a long holiday, and to have all your stuff unclaimed for it to be griefed seems very wrong even though you still play on the server. -Pter
    15. Pter

      Please Remove this Stuff

      Hello, I'm not really sure what you are looking for. When you do /seen, it shows how long the person has been on. The others messages show that the land you are trying to build on is claimed... Not really sure how those two things link, but I would love to answer -Pter
    16. Pter

      Small Complaint About the Hunter Job

      Yes, this is intentional and on the hunters job list it does not mention those 3. It is not a bug, maybe it is intentional, maybe Ash just forgot about them.... Hope This Helped! -Pter
    17. Pter

      Town Builder

      You need to meet some of the expectations of a helper first which I can see you have not aquired. If you go to the forums start page, search for helper application, and then go on to helper applictaion infomation. Hope This Helped, -Pter
    18. Pter

      Town Application Konigreich (updated)

      You could try and contact a Sr.Mod or Mod about it if it is urgent. But I think Ash did say that they don't check it weekly and it may take some time for them to review it -Pter
    19. Pter

      Farm Mob Limit Bug?

      Maybe your sheep are not despawning, but dying... Have you made sure that there are no hazards in your pen? Sometimes they get stuck and suffocate on slabs, fences etc. Also check if they despawn when you are watching.. Otherwise, like Carrot said, talk to Ash about it Hope This Helped -Pter
    20. Pter

      New Town Blue: Mosaic

      Wow, this sounds amazing! Alot of thought and creativity has gone into this, and I admire that. The different district colours add a nice touhc too. Really impressed, and I wish you luck ;) -Pter