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  • The name is Kureen


    Well-Known Member
    Hello everyone,
    my name is Markus but I go with the username Kureen on minecraft. I am 20 years old and I live in Sweden. Currently, I am studying to become a computer engineer and I am currently on my second year. Getting an education witihin IT has always seemed natural to me considering my dads dad works with it and I have always been envelopled by computers and gadgets. As far as my hobbies go I like to play computer games (obviously) and hang out with friends, nothing real interesting but that is just me I suppose. :)

    Well, that is enough about my real life stuff that probably nobody cares about either way. Most of you have probably seen my name once or twice or perhaps close to a hundred times on the server. I have been actively playing on the server since I joined in late April back in '17 and today that would be about 11 months which seems a bit crazy to me. Anyways, my early days on the server were not very interesting. I joined, played with a couple of friends and together we created a town called Kasner Town. The town had very mild success even though it was one of the better looking ones at the time. Anyways, after a month or two my friends eventually quit playing and so I decided to apply for staff. At first I was reluctant to applying because I thought that I would quit within short after the summer break was over but most of you know that it was definitely not the case. Anyways, I applied to become a helper, or so I thought. Took me like a week to realised that I had failed to submit an application and so I had to send in a new one. :D But after I managed to apply I later got accepted as a helper, I think it was sometime in late june. So I continued to play as a Helper and jumped over to blue when that world came out. But I kept on playing, survived a lot of drama and continued to help people out. I eventually got promoted to Moderator and lastly Sr Moderator just before New Years.

    Now, we are 3 full months into the new year and last week I decided to resign from my staff position. My resignation was because I wanted to try focus on school work a bit more and to be honest I had gotten bored of the game after playing for nearly an entire year. But it was not easy for me to make the decision. I've always liked helpling people out and I love it when other enjoy playing on the server and I've always tried my best to make the server as enjoyable to everyone as possible even though I have hurt some people in the process. But I decided to bite the bullet and resigned either way. And now after I have been playing for almost a week without my old powers and I must say that I miss it. After having banned probably more than 100 people and helping multiple people out on a daily basis it was difficult to suddenly have that removed. Especially when I have a town on blue that seems to be the place to grief because it has a warp and its annoying that I can not fix the stuff myself (sorry mods). :D But I will continue to play on the server for now as a regular player and we will see what happens in the future.

    I also want to take the time to thank everyone on the server for being a part of vulengate cause without you I wouldn not get the chance to experience the server and meet an increadible amount of wonderful people. I also want to thank you all for not being too hard on me whilst I was a part of the staff and I hope that everyone who reads this continues to have fun playing on the server :)

    So this has been my introdctoin althought it probably came a bit late. For those of you I applaud you and I apologize for having wasted your time with all this text :p

    PS. If anyone has question for me you can put them in this thread and I might answer them!
    Hey Markus :)
    It's about time you finished that introduction you said you were going to do weeks ago. It feels weird responding to your introduction because I already know all of this. It was incredibly sad to see you resign as staff, as possibly the best staff member we've had, but I understand your reasons. Over the months, I'm happy to say that we've become incredibly close friends and it's hard to imagine that so much time has gone by. Apology rejected for wasting my time with all that text, never be sorry for that smh. I'll always be here to roll back griefs in your town :)
    - Hailey
    Glad to see an introduction from you Kureen, It's so nice to know more about you :) You've always been one of my favorite staff members / people on the server and it's been sad to see you without your staff rank but I'm glad you're going to continue playing regardless. And thank you for all of the time and dedication you've put into the server, it hasn't gone unnoticed! :D