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  • The Art Restoration Project - Green


    Hello all! I'm sure everyone is excited for 1.13, but are also a bit bummed that all of the current art will be erased. To attempt to save as much of the wonderful art as possible that we have on Green, I will be starting the Art Restoration Project.

    I will be making an art studio somewhere in the world where people can work on repainting and posting restored art. This location is not yet determined but I will edit this post when I have worked on it more. I will also be working on a much larger museum to host the artwork of older players that haven't been on in awhile.

    To help in any way, you can do any of the following:
    1. Post your own art that you would like help with repainting after the update as a comment to this thread.
    2. Post the art of older players that have not been on in awhile as a comment to this thread, as well as the original artist's name.
    3. Message Baron_Sigma (or anyone else I decide to trust) to go to the art location to either submit restored art or help paint ones that haven't been restored yet.

    NOTE: If you repaint someone else's artwork, do NOT take credit for it. You will be credited with restoring the art, but not for being the original artist. Please do not steal other's work.

    NOTE #2: If a player is online frequently, do NOT restore it for them without their permission. If they want to restore their artwork themselves, do NOT restore it without their permission.
    bowser.png bowser ~ _L3mur_ sunsetposte.png SunsetPoste ~ SoulReaperHades
    penguin smol_fox kitten.png(in order from left to right) penguin smol_fox kitten ~ Sparkly_Glitter
    Red_Sunset.pngRed_Sun ~ _L3mur_