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  • Rank bug


    I use to be able to sell 8 items in the Auction house but after getting wanderer rank im only able to sell 5 items even though im suppose to be able to sell 2 more items. It is now 2 items less than I could put up before getting the rank wanderer

    Is there a temporary or permanent solution to this like a temp book that gives extra auctionhouse slots to match the rank.

    I also have 22 days of extra auctionhouse slots that I now cannot use.
    You probably had a voucher activated that gives you 8 auction house slots. The default is 3, so your +2 makes it 5.
    yes but the 8 auction house slots should be apart of that. so 5 + voucher = at least 8.

    and it still last another 21-22 days which means what good is that 8 item voucher for now ?