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  • Quiet Time...

    Do you think we should have a "Quiet Time"

    • Yes

      Votes: 1 7.7%
    • No

      Votes: 12 92.3%
    • I like the idea

      Votes: 0 0.0%

    • Total voters


    So I had an idea that came to mind and I told 2 helpers about it and I thought it would be a great idea.
    So the idea is that there should be a plugin were there is a timer set for every 4 hours were the public chat on each server is muted and you can only use commands or /pm and the time for the muting should be estimated between staff members, it should be no longer than an hour. Now i have some Q&A's ready for you guys that I hope will answer some questions already.

    (A helper gave me this question)Q: What if a new person comes on and cant type and is confused?
    A: When someone comes in during A "quiet time" they will be met with an on-screen notification saying it is "quiet time" and tells them the duration of the "quiet time" with the notification to tell them to type a command to learn more about "quiet time" and if they want to talk it should send them the discord link to Vulengate server.

    Q:Can staff have a command to make quiet time happen at there beckoning?
    A: No it will be on a 4 hour timer and cannot be stopped unless the plugin is removed.

    Q:What if im in the server already and I dont know when "quiet time" starts?
    A: Then i recommend that an on-screen or chat notification should appear just 30 minutes before and reminds everyone every 10 minutes that "quiet time" is going to start.

    Q: When will I know "quiet time" is over with?
    A: I recommend that a command should be set up for all players that shows them the duration of "quiet time".

    Q: Can staff talk on there own in public chat?
    A: Yes but rules need to be placed on them too on how much they can say and if its important.

    Q: What about the player announcement? Can people still use that?
    A: If it doesn't conflict with the "quiet time" plugin then yes, AND as long as it follows the rules provided by Ashinos.

    Q: What if I do type in public chat what will happen?
    A: I think it should say something clever like "shhh" or "Its Quiet Time"

    Q: Why do we need this anyways?
    A: Because all humans are vulnerable to distraction (i.e. spam, harassment, threats, names simply being said in chat) and this will give them some time to focus on the game and set them with things to do during that time or whats going on in life.

    Thank you for reading this I hope you vote in the pole! Please feel free to add more questions in the replies.
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    I don't really see the benefit of this since if you don't want to be able to see chat you can disable the entire chat in the settings and it will no longer distract you. I also think that a lot of people would be against this since they probably have nothing against the current chat and forcing it shut off every 4 hours would definitely cause a lot of confusion and people would get mad. Think of a situation where there is a friendly conversation going on between mutliple people and suddenly chat turns off, completely killing that.

    Something that could be considered is a plugin that toggles off certain things from the chat (such as general chat) that a player can use if they feel like they need some privacy. This would be different to turning off chat completely since you'd still be able to see private messages/server messages and things like that.
    I agree with Kureen- it'd cause a lot of issues imo with new players joining for example. Even if they are notified it's quiet time, would they really want to stay somewhere they can't chat for an hour or so each day?

    Also, chat is extremely useful in game- asking questions, checking for trades, socialising. Having a period of time where that is inaccessible seems really counter productive.

    As Kureen says- if chat bothers you that much, just switch it off or turn down the opacity
    I can see the frustration there but there will always be frustration in the server like when a reset happens or you are griefed by a new player who doesnt know the rules. And I never said that chat should be unusable I think it should still be used for commands and pm's, and yes in the settings you can turn off the chat and adjust it to your liking. But I think with this plugin it would discourage spam and encourage that people need to say what they want to say before the muting. And it isnt that hard to still advertise with pm's and we still have the auction to sell things and trade. And for the lower specs of peoples hardware it will help with performance not having words constantly pop up on screen. But I think its great that you guys are replying and giving feedback. I just wish some staff would discuss it and see if they like it.
    Honestly, I think it's an interesting idea but I don't seen the purpose of it when you can easily just manipulate your own chat settings. As far as preventing spam, I think it would be a little more reasonable to use a plugin that puts a messege per minute limit on players and detects when they are repetitively posting the same thing in chat.
    I don't really see the use for it for the same or similar reasons as mentioned by @Kureen and @SuperCrafter2K.

    @ajacks99 Has also a good point, what if new players come to have a look in those muted times? How can you expect the community to welcome new players if all is/are muted? Doesn't feel like a warm welcome to me.

    Besides that, the whole point about playing a game within a community is ... you guessed it ... communication, participation. Why would you like to mute that for the whole community? ;)
    As everyone above has said, it's bit OTT and would just make the server more complex and difficult to understand. I also don't really see the benefits, what is wrong with chat running? People woulden't know, and it just causes a load of fuss to get the plugin, create messages etcetc.........

    Just My Opinion,
