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  • Punishments too harsh?


    New Member
    I know people are going to judge me cos of this as I have been banned and muted, but punishments are way too harsh.
    Eg a friend of mine, 0rubr0s was banned for just breaking 6 pieces of wheat from an unclaimed farm, I believe such things should only receive warning or at worst, a temp ban, not a perm ban
    I'm not sure if everything you're saying is accurate, there's no player by that name on Vulengate may be a simple misspelling though. I'd appreciate it if you could fix it so I can answer this properly ^.^
    I'm not sure if everything you're saying is accurate, there's no player by that name on Vulengate may be a simple misspelling though. I'd appreciate it if you could fix it so I can answer this properly ^.^
    No Im pretty sure thats his name, he now plays on his alt, "RiceNoodles"
    First off, I highly doubt anyone was banned for taking 6 pieces of wheat. We commonly have people tell us they didn't break blocks or only took a couple of things then we check logs and see that they broke or changed 900 blocks in the last hour on someone else's land or they looted half a dozen chests.

    My view on punishments for breaking server rules has changed somewhat from when I was not on staff to now. As a player and owner of three towns, I was constantly being griefed and stolen from. When asked, I would almost always ask for the offending person to just get a warning and get a second chance, not knowing what other mischief they had caused. Now that I am on staff, I still try to give people a chance if they are online, and very often tell the offending person that if they make amends with the person they griefed (such as harvesting farms and not replanting) to the victims satisfaction then I do not need to be involved. The main thing that has changed since joining the staff is that now I also can see the offending persons history and pattern of behavior, which sometimes shows they can't learn from mistakes.

    Probably a third of problems are caused by people not bothering to read the rules which are very clear on what is allowed and what isn't. Most of these people can learn from their mistakes.

    About a third of the problems are caused by people who are just being malicious. Some of these people can learn to play nice, and some are just jerks that need to be removed from the community.

    And the last third, well, I would say these people are just stupid. And as everyone knows, you can't fix stupid.
    For example: Even if you don't read any of the rules, a sign at Town Warps clearly states you will be banned for griefing towns, yet the first thing some people do is start hitting things with their pick or axe to see if it is claimed when they get there. Then they get mad when warned for breaking windows or busting up a few blocks on a path. If it was really an accident why wouldn't they fix it. They just leave it because they have no regard for other players stuff and their goal in life is to be the bull in the china shop.
    First off, I highly doubt anyone was banned for taking 6 pieces of wheat. We commonly have people tell us they didn't break blocks or only took a couple of things then we check logs and see that they broke or changed 900 blocks in the last hour on someone else's land or they looted half a dozen chests.

    My view on punishments for breaking server rules has changed somewhat from when I was not on staff to now. As a player and owner of three towns, I was constantly being griefed and stolen from. When asked, I would almost always ask for the offending person to just get a warning and get a second chance, not knowing what other mischief they had caused. Now that I am on staff, I still try to give people a chance if they are online, and very often tell the offending person that if they make amends with the person they griefed (such as harvesting farms and not replanting) to the victims satisfaction then I do not need to be involved. The main thing that has changed since joining the staff is that now I also can see the offending persons history and pattern of behavior, which sometimes shows they can't learn from mistakes.

    Probably a third of problems are caused by people not bothering to read the rules which are very clear on what is allowed and what isn't. Most of these people can learn from their mistakes.

    About a third of the problems are caused by people who are just being malicious. Some of these people can learn to play nice, and some are just jerks that need to be removed from the community.

    And the last third, well, I would say these people are just stupid. And as everyone knows, you can't fix stupid.
    For example: Even if you don't read any of the rules, a sign at Town Warps clearly states you will be banned for griefing towns, yet the first thing some people do is start hitting things with their pick or axe to see if it is claimed when they get there. Then they get mad when warned for breaking windows or busting up a few blocks on a path. If it was really an accident why wouldn't they fix it. They just leave it because they have no regard for other players stuff and their goal in life is to be the bull in the china shop.
    Wow darth you literally wrote a essay...
    Not quite an essay really, simply what was needed to get the point across effectively.
    Though I would add sometimes people make mistakes and are honest about it, and clear it up with the land owner. This however is something I've seen maybe once or twice.
    However people who intentionally bother others, take things from them in some way that would deter or inhibit them from having a good time on the server receive no sympathy from me. As Darth_daddy_ said, these people have no regard for others.
    Not quite an essay really, simply what was needed to get the point across effectively.
    Though I would add sometimes people make mistakes and are honest about it, and clear it up with the land owner. This however is something I've seen maybe once or twice.
    However people who intentionally bother others, take things from them in some way that would deter or inhibit them from having a good time on the server receive no sympathy from me. As Darth_daddy_ said, these people have no regard for others.
    Are you referring to those who are "professional" griefers? they take fun out of destroying peoples work.
    Are you referring to those who are "professional" griefers? they take fun out of destroying peoples work.
    Professional griefers, professional bullies, they come on to servers for the sole purpose of getting banned. After many years of doing what these staff memebers are doing for us now, I know exactly what they go through and I fully appreciate their efforts.

    I find the staff on this server are completely fair and friendly, punishments are just and fair as well.
    No I didn't mean it as professional although Cygnus' take on it is a part of it. I meant people who know the stuff isn't theirs, yet take it anyway/break it anyway, may not exactly be happy about hurting other people but they don't care if they do.
    I believe in banning people who don't know how to follow simple rules. That being said I also believe people deserve a second chance. If you are honest and sincere in your appeal, you will most likely be unbanned.
    do not fall for it. it is people he knows that have griefed me on multiple occasions. he was the first and brings his friends here or uses hacked accounts to do it again. anyone who is associated with this guy needs to be banned as soon as they join. he is mad at me because he took over 20k items from me and got caught. i guess it is my fault then.
    Voodoo i dont hate you and i cant afford other accounts