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  • Punda Problems | What to do? | My story


    New Member
    Hello! So I have a problem with a player named PundaPantz.
    I have a town, which I built on the side of a valley. I did not know, but his structure was on the other side. So one day he comes up to tell me that he does not want us building near his stuff. So we agree that I will not build within 100 blocks of his thing. (After some debate)
    Then today, I come to find a large chunk of recent dev missing. Punda tells me he "Had it removed because it was too close" After much debate, he builds a wall to mark a border. This border represented 100 blocks away from his structure. The stuff that was broken was inside my territory. But I was softmuted for 2 days because I 'kept making drama' My friend says its probably because he is an MVP. Does that mean I'm being ignored for my lack of rank? Further, I was not even informed my town would be broken until after it happened! And note, I do inform people when I see their stuff that there will be town activity in the area and is that OK. For evidence, ask Chacom08.And the mods act like i'm the one making a problem! What do I do to set things right? How to I stop punda from making more trouble? I don't want trouble! I want justice and peace!
    PLEASE NOTE: This thread was not created to provoke anyone, nor to cause drama or distrust. These are honest questions and I want to set things right between me and Punda.
    Also, the MVP thing was just my friends thought, and I figured I had better include it because if that is true, it is a big deal.
    'This thread was not created to provoke anyone, nor to cause drama or distrust.'

    Punda is not causing any trouble tho. You started with weird threats and it made us feel a bit threatened and on edge.. And we see that you keep trying to build near our pyramid. The agreement is 100 blocks, problem is that you're already inside those 100 blocks. I kept saying, and I will say again, just expand towards the west and we won't have any problems. Instead you expanded towards our pyramid again and Kenz build random E's all over the place, which got us annoyed after being gone for 2 days.. So we ordered the whole thing to be removed. Sorry for not informing you, but existing was the one who built it all in the first place in that weekend and he removed it himself too after we asked. We also built a wall now and you're allowed to build up until that wall. So let's just keep to that agreement and we won't have any troubles :) (the wall can be removed later on)
    Punda Problems?
    Look lad, I don’t have any problems with you or I caused any trouble

    I started a desert project and while on this project you started a town. Multiple members of staff have been involved in this situation including @Kureen who is the admin of the server. I have screenshots of you saying that you going to surround my claim 100 blocks away if you want to.

    You got warned for grief and trespassing when you placed random cobblestone towards me after the conversation we had and now the so called co-owner of your town started an expansion towards me. I’m afraid MVP has nothing to do with how everyone is treated. I have the same consequences like everyone else when I break the rules or disrespect another member of the server. You were begging me in front of @b4hand , @john2560 and @Splendurosa (3 staff members) to build a cobble wall so you can see where the limit between my claim and your claim was.

    I didn’t build it just because, only because you asked me. You said multiple times I cannot be held responsible of what my residents do and where they build. As a previous town Mayor myself I’ll have to break it down to you that you are hands down the sole responsible of what’s going on under your town or surround it.

    Kureen suggested that when you started building your town maybe you didn’t see that there's a claim next to you so I kinda let it go but when you come across so aggressive then I cant help it but getting one of the server mods to deal with the matter.

    Me and staff members said many times. You have West, North or South to expand and grow your town but not East because this is where my claim is.

    You got soft-muted while I was offline for some chores and you hold me responsible for been muted. Best one to ask is splendurosa not me. I believe there is a valid reason why you are soft-muted and it can easily be explained to you.

    Any sort of conversation you want to have with me from now on will always be done with a staff member as a witness.

    I can assure you that you wont be treated any differently due to being a non-MVP, we strictly do not bias against or with players due to their ranks on the server.

    Nobody wants to make you feel like you are directly a problem, the issue is that there was an agreement reached about you both moving towards each other and this agreement was broken, which is why Punda contacted a mod, who decided that you had pushed past this agreement made. From this point on, if you both just allow the issue to die down and keep within your agreed areas things will calm down and there will be no hard feelings. I don't believe either of you are directly trying to cause trouble, which is why I think it is in both of your best interests to just follow what you agreed on to keep out of any more trouble so nobody has to be punished.
    You guys are right. I think at that time I was just put out because all that dev was removed. Looking back I can see I had been in the wrong. :)