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  • Player Advertising ( New update concerns )

    Do you think the price for advertising is fair? ( 2.5k )

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    New Member
    Recently i saw the new "Friends and Advertising" update, i was extremely excited that regular players could pay a lump sum of money to broadcast a message and have lots of attention drawn to it. But when i used it i realized how much of a waste it really is. MVP's have the ability to color their text ( which already draws more attention to it ) but regular players don't. MVP's have no reason to use the new /advertise < Message > feature, as they can just put any ole' text they want and get the same result. I'd like to see a change in the amount of money it takes to advertise, as well as a cooldown timer so that players can't spam the chat with it. Thanks for reading! And please post your thoughts in the Box below - XxHDxX
    Hmm. Definitely a valid argument, and I agree to an extent. If possible, an idea could be to make it so color coded advertisements have a higher cost than non color coded. Maybe raising the cost for regular to 8k and color coded to 10k, or something around that would be an idea. Though pricey, it would help with potential spam(even with the 5 min cooldown I'm pretty sure I saw something about) and make people actually have to work a bit to advertise.

    As for the color coding, it is a donating incentive; so I doubt it will be changed. Maybe making it possible for anyone to color code the ads only might be good; while still keeping the donator ranks as is. I don't know how much control Ash has with the plugin, but it could be something to think about.
    One big difference is that the advertising makes a cheery notification sound and the text is formatted differently. To me, it definitely stands out from MVP chat!

    A a big THANK YOU to the staff who have asked people to stop spamming it with general chatter.