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  • Ninja Crate


    New Member
    I had a new idea for a new crate: The Ninja Crate
    Spawner: Panda spawner
    Sword: Katana ( blind, slow, wither, poison, ...
    Bo: A bo is a staff/weapon that ninja's used so it could be a stick with enchantments
    Hoe: A Kama is a sickle used as a weapon so a hoe with sharpness 5 would work i guess
    Armor: Zukin (helmet), Uwagi (chestplate), Hakama (leggings), Tabi or Waraji (boots)
    Armor enchantment: gears, springs, aquatic, glowing, thorns, ...
    Tag: Ninja
    Smoke trail voucher
    16 smoke bombs (potion of blindness)
    Events: Japanese building and ninja "training"
    ofcourse more things can be added since i only had this in mind.
    Thanks for reading :D <3

    source: ninjasword.com and warriorsandlegends.com
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    I agree to this! +1

    however there should be an Enchanted crossbow with this crate aswell i think
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