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  • Me creating a town...


    I really want to create a town but I can't think of a theme - anyone got ideas?


    You should make a town with two themes so you won't get bored of one! Like one side be modern and the other medieval or something along those lines.:)
    I like the multiple themed idea. Could be by the ocean and have some underwater, have some underground, have some in the air, and some on land. Multiple different kinds of builds such as colorful, medieval, modern, huts, mansions, etc. Maybe have the main areas with plots, and the outskirts have paths to them (city vs country idea) but I would definitely wait for 1.13 (although no idea when that comes out). best of luck to you, pter!
    I would say the same to connor
    Once 1.13 came out ,You should make town underwater

    As it already looks interesting and your town will be the most unique looking for sure (yep it's new update of lol)

    I would join the town as well if you do lol
    I'm going to make an lotr/hobbit style town called Stanley. If you have a better name let me know <3. It might have a underwater bit to it I'm not really sure rn