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  • MCmmo Gui for FREE - Put together and coded by me


    Trial Helper
    Staff member
    @PatchedNotFixed @Ashinos @undisclosedhost @WhatsTheBadNews

    Thank you for the wonderful server, its the only one I actually play on and have ever supported. I code/write plugins for paper, spigot and a long time ago bukkit. I still code and write some plugins but mainly create GUI menus for servers using the plugin deluxemenus which this server I suspect uses.

    The mcmmo stats and other info on that plugin is not up to par on this server honestly. I'm offering this file for free which contains several mcmmo gui menus, and top menus for free to your server. Feel free to look it over, but I definitely think its needed for your server. This file I would normally charge for, but I'm offering it to you free since I play on the server as one of the only servers I do play on. Thanks.

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/sigoxbw1oslieti/MCmmo GUI.7z?dl=0

    If you have any questions, please feel free to ask.


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    Thanks for that. I'll be sure to mention it News & Kugel etc. If it's something we're able to make use of, we'll be sure to let you know.