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  • I've Never Been Good with Hello


    New Member
    So let's just skip it. My name is Anthony(AJ), or Rockerrus on the server. I am a sophomore at Syracuse University, and I'm currently getting my BFA in acting. Don't @ me. This is my second time doing an introduction, I did one (which was probably better) on the old website, but I thought why not revise it and make another one. I have been an avid video game player since I was around 4, having an old mac with a handle, so it's been a good time so far. I've joined Vulengate with my friends called the GoonSquad, and I apologize in advance for the dumb things they do. Or the dumb things I do, at this point who knows. You can probably find me on Green Server now as the squad is now making a new start. Will we rebuild Boker? Maybe. It's something we've thought about. But besides that, I'm excited to get back into Vulengate after being busy with shows because of school. I'll be around, don't be afraid to say something to me, if you want to have a conversation on acting or music I'll always be happy to. I've been practicing and recording music for the past few months, and have even started starting a band (like everyone else in college). You like improv jazz piano playing? Me too. I do that sometimes. I'm even worse at goodbyes, or outros, so instead I'll just say, until next time.

    Your Host,
    Welcome to the new site we're happy to have you! Introductions are never easy don't even worry about it lol
    I'm pretty artsy but not at all in the direction of acting or anything, I think I'd freeze up in front of a big crowd. Props to you for choosing that career path and best of luck!