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  • It's Odine! Read all about me!


    Hello Vulengate community! My name is Odine and I thought it might be a fun idea to introduce myself! People have asked me where I got the online alias "DrOdine" so I will tell you! Doc Odine from Final Fantasy VIII is quite the entertaining character and I for whatever reason really liked the sound of the name, so I stole it! :)

    A bit about me. I am 24 at the time of this introduction and live in Canada. I tend to come off a bit awkward at first, but once you get to know me, I'm not so bad. I work in the IT field, so that's quite interesting. I do various network and system installations as well as administration. I am currently saving to go back to school for Kinesiology as I hope to possibly work as a Physiotherapist or something in that area and that's the first step I need to take.

    When it comes to Minecraft, I have been playing since the Alpha days. I have ran multiple servers with people, and have moderated and administrated many throughout the years. I like helping people when I can.

    I play various other games as well of course such as World of Warcraft, StarCraft II, Call of Duty, Warframe, CS:GO, Rainbow Six: Siege, Final Fantasy, Elder Scrolls, Halo, and many many more!

    Well, now you know a bit about me. Definitely feel free to hit me up on Discord, Minecraft or perhaps if you see me in another game randomly!
