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  • Is there a way to "fix" pets disobeying sit commands when attacked?

    Admin/Mod crew ... I've got a question ...

    In minecraft wolves, ocelots and parrots disobey the sit command when a player is attacked and the pets are nearby (they switch to a defensive move to protect the player). Now, in the past this was no problem, if you have placed enough lights in and around the area your pets were seated, no mobs would appear and they would stay seated. Well, at least most of the time, sometimes thunderstorms would make them go nuts ... but anyway ...

    Now with the Phantoms this feature is turning into a real pain in the ... you know what. ;)

    The moment I am in my garden and it turns dark and the Phantoms appear, all hell breaks loose and I have a whole bunch of wolves, ocelots and parrots following me. And every time I have to move all the pets back to their places once it is light again. The day and night times switch pretty rapidly, so I can hardly get any work done in my garden before those bloody annoying flying bugs set all pets on the lose again.

    So, is there a way that those Phantoms will no longer trigger the defensive response mode of the pets? Because I pretty much have to avoid to be in night-time around my own house now ...

    Or perhaps the Phantoms can be turned into "friendly mobs" until you fire upon them (like the pigmen). I don't think many players will object to the Phantoms no longer "bugging" them. ;)
    I would recommend putting your pets somewhere as far away from the phantoms as possible, this would prevant your pets from switching to defensive mode (Hopefull). I don't think they have any way to use a plugin which keeps the pets on sitting mode but my recomendation might help you with this issue.
    I would recommend putting your pets somewhere as far away from the phantoms as possible, this would prevant your pets from switching to defensive mode (Hopefull). I don't think they have any way to use a plugin which keeps the pets on sitting mode but my recomendation might help you with this issue.

    Well, phantoms spawn everywhere (above ground). So, unless you put your pets inside your house and underground, more then 12 blocks from the surface, only then they won't respond. But what is the fun of having your pets in a basement???

    I guess I just have to avoid being near them when it turns dark and just get my ass out of there ... ;)
    Well, phantoms spawn everywhere (above ground). So, unless you put your pets inside your house and underground, more then 12 blocks from the surface, only then they won't respond. But what is the fun of having your pets in a basement???

    I guess I just have to avoid being near them when it turns dark and just get my ass out of there ... ;)
    What could you even do with your pets all the day?
    Well, my "pets" are in the Aomori Zoo (town on blue server). After all, they are wolves, ocelots and parrots (wild animals). So, putting them in some basement does not make much sense, will be hard to see them for visitors. ;)