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  • In concerns to Art in regards to the upcoming server resets


    New Member
    According to the summary of Ashino's Announcement:
    Red and Blue will reset on Monday the 19th of March. You will lose everything except for donor ranks.

    That must include art as well, sadly. Although it should be possible to bring over previous art. I don't know the inner workings of server maintenance, but I do know that map data, or the files that store our art, is stored in the world files as .dat files. Now I don't know how much difficulty it would be to transfer the .dat files to the new world due to the ArtMap plugin being tied to many of the map ids but I don't think it would be a problem transferring the data since the current world problems are tied to the world data itself such as the chunks and such, though don't quote me on that. I don't know what Ashinos or Kugel are truly dealing with in terms of the server's issues so an entire world reset may be the only required course of action.

    Essentially what I am saying is it is just having new world generation, but having old existing map ids from the previous worlds being transferred and overwriting the new world's data. To explain it for all to have better understanding, if someone were to create the first map on a newly created world it would be labeled Id #0. The game would either create a new file in its game files to contain the map data BUT only if it doesn't detect an already existing data filling that id so if there were an already existing file labeled Id #0 (map_0.dat if you really want to get technical) within the files the game would just show that data. You can take a map you generated on one world and pretty much just cut and paste it in another world's data and have it show up.

    Totally understand if an entirely clean state is what Vulengate Red and Blue needs, but I just thought of suggesting it to at least bring over a fraction of the hours work and legacy of Vulengate 2017. And on a personal stance, it would suck starting from scratch : )

    On a side note, bringing over existing art may screw up the Art economy way in the beginning and it may be healthy for the economy to completely start over. Though if this suggestion goes through, there could be some staff overseen system of reintroducing old art back into the new world, but I may be spitting a bunch of gibberish at this point : )
    I don't think it's possible to move the art over without them being all broken. We tried something like this before and they all turned in to regular maps. And to make it worse, the developer of the art plugin has become inactive and I don't know how to reach him. I'm afraid the art plugin will stop working in 1.13 so I'm scrambling trying to find a way to contact him or pay a developer to make us our own art plugin to use. One group I contacted refused to make it saying it's too complex :/