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  • How about a server-specific chat as well?


    New Member
    There's no reason to have a voice chat, but not a text chat. Voice chat is more of a commitment and requires a microphone/time to talk. If people could chat, they would use it. The chat in game is used a ton, but it is impossible to keep up with. A discord solution is great, but currently vulengate doesn't help with that, why? Doesn't anyone else feel this way? It would improve the function of the discord channel I believe.

    This isn't to point out a problem for whining purposes. I just want to make an obvious suggestion where there seems like a hole in the function of the channel.

    You won't see the demand for a channel if you wait for people to start chatting about their server in general chat since as has been suggested, we can create our own discord channels. Also, we currently are using our in-game chats. But it isn't as good as discord.

    But also think about this for a second-- why on earth would we need to chat with people outside of our specific color server? What is the value of that? We want to chat with people we play with.
    I totally agree with these I for one don't want people hearing my voice but still want to get to know people on my colored server better

    I could see these making the community come closer together (for each color of course)
    Well I like to chat with people on the other servers. I just jump over there and have a chat with them, doesn't seem to be much of a problem. I like to see what they are up to, new builds, things they've won. I also like to go look at art on the other servers.

    TBH I'm having a hard time understanding your suggestion for text channels. Are you saying you would like text chat channels, one for each server? SpicyKitten I know you aren't into voice chat, but you can listen in, mute yourself and just use regular chat, /friend or /party chat. I know I ruin the party chat thing because I need to be in staff chat. Not sure how to remedy that one.
    Yes, sorry I wasn't clear-- Text chat channels for each server. It seems like that would be more useful than having voice channels, at least, and you could have both. With text you can tag/talk to people even when they aren't online and people can arrive and see the previous conversation and build on it. I think it would help our community within the server that we play on.

    I see your point about being able to see the general chat and stuff from other servers. It does have its use. I just want to improve on what's there.
    Perhaps Ash could categorize the Discord a bit more. Have a separate category for Green, Blue and Red with their own #chat, #marketplace, #builds and 1 VC for each. Example below for a complete overhaul.


    Staff(perhaps at the bottom)

    Staff VC


    Vulengate 1
    Vulengate 2
    Vulengate 3
    Music Lounge
    Other Games

    Green VC

    Blue VC

    Red VC

    Movie Night VC
    Events Team