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  • Hello, I'm Clayton


    New Member
    Hey everyone,
    I'm Clayton (claytonbmartin in game). I'm 21 years old from Texas, currently attending college on a possible Business Major. I was introduced to minecraft back in 2014 when we actually used it for a class video project. Before then, I always liked experimenting with building but I always was limited to just the Sims. Minecraft instantly clicked with me and I've loved it ever since. The icing on the cake is that I actually met my wonderful girlfriend Nicole (Nicolada in game) on minecraft and we've made our relationship work despite the distances and we've been going on for almost a year and eight months. We tend to usually be on at the same time on the Blue World so say hi to us if you see us! I like to think we are very friendly.

    When I'm not playing minecraft, I'm either going on walks, playing old school Nintendo games or playing guitar. That's about all I have to say. Hope to see all of y'all on the server!

    Hi nice to meet you! I'm also in a long distance relationship from a game that's lasted 5 years now and it's immensely hard but can be so worth it. Hope to see you both around sometime!
    It's great to see that Minecraft or even a community like Vulengate can bring two people together. I understand long distance far too well and it sucks but if two people are invested into the relationship, it can work. I wish you both the best of luck with it and everything else. Nice to meet you and hope to see you around the server! :D
    Hi nice to meet you! I'm also in a long distance relationship from a game that's lasted 5 years now and it's immensely hard but can be so worth it. Hope to see you both around sometime!
    How nice that's it worked for you as well! Do you play on Red or Blue? We should meet up if you're on Blue!

    It's great to see that Minecraft or even a community like Vulengate can bring two people together. I understand long distance far too well and it sucks but if two people are invested into the relationship, it can work. I wish you both the best of luck with it and everything else. Nice to meet you and hope to see you around the server! :D
    We actually met on an elsewhere server, but nevertheless I imagine Vulengate has the potential for more of this in the future. Considering it's steadily growing but nevertheless friendly community. Same question, are you playing on Red or Blue?
    We actually met on an elsewhere server, but nevertheless I imagine Vulengate has the potential for more of this in the future. Considering it's steadily growing but nevertheless friendly community. Same question, are you playing on Red or Blue?

    I mostly play on Red. Rarely been on blue. With work and school, I haven't had the chance to really play on the server.
    Omg that's so amazing that Minecraft actually brought 2 people together! I'm sure it's happened before but to see this on Vulengate is cool! You also sound like an amazing person, I hope to run into you on the server in the future! (I main on Blue too):)