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  • Gigi's Intro


    New Member
    So I'm Destiny, I don't mind telling people my real name but my in-game name is gamergirlxo but I go by "Gigi" in-game. It was a name I received years ago on my first Minecraft server and it just stuck. Most people know me by Gigi and if you called me Gigi IRL, I'd probably respond to it.

    I'm 27 and I'm currently living in South Dakota. As I type this up I'm bundled up with my hood on. Gives you some perspective of how cold it is. I currently work in retail at a home decor store as well as working on my bachelor's in Psychology.

    How long have I been playing Minecraft and what is my background? Well a lot of my time has been spent on Minecraft servers. I've been playing for 6 years but in that time period I was a mod on my first server (where the Gigi name came from) and I was a mod there for 2 years before I resigned after my mother passed away. I feel I've found a place where the game can be the game again for me in my off time (which isn't often). I enjoy exploring new servers....just to simply interact with new people and open my eyes up to something new that I don't see on a day to day.

    Fun facts:
    1. I am a HUGE harry potter nerd. From the beginning and even now...my love for it has not died.
    2. Taylor Swift is my role model, my bae, my angel, my light and dark and everything in between. Ask me anything about Taylor Swift and I can guarantee you I'll be able to answer.
    3. I have a slight obsession with makeup. Don't point me in the direction of a Sephora or I'll be broke when I come out.
    4. I have 6 tattoos and probably plan on having more at some point.
    5. The language of derp is my second language.
    6. I have an interest in the paranormal.
    7. I'm not religious.
    8. Mountain Dew runs in my veins.
    9. I don't have my ears pierced. I have tattoos but I've never had any desire to get any piercings.
    10. Pasta and cheese fries is the reason why I have love handles.

    If you see me in-game, don't hesitate to say hi! I play mostly on red (which I'm not working or doing school stuff) but I'm always happy to meet new people whether red or blue!
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    Welcome to the community! I hope you enjoy everything Vulengate has to offer and I hope to run into you on the server in the future!;)
    Welcome to the new site! We share a lot of the same interests but we've never really talked before, hope to see you around more!
    People don't think I haven't been here. LOL I've been on the server for like 2 months. but thank you! :D Hopefully I'll be able to find time to come hang out again.