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  • Farm Mob Limit Bug?


    I'm having a problem and it was suggested I post it here...

    My colored sheep are despawning. I have tried different biomes, different locations on the map and each time have made their individual pens larger. Last night, I literally made each pen 16 x 16, which is the size of one chunk. In theory, that should allow 25 sheep per pen. (I don't want THAT many - heck, I'd be happy with eight!)

    Instead, no matter how large I have made the pens, it won't allow more than 1-4 sheep per pen. It happens as you watch. I can breed all 16 pens (one for each color) and then look - one pen has a baby but both parents have despawned, another pen had four and now has two, etc. If I wait around for awhile, even more despawn. I log on later and some pens just have one or two sheep.

    I've seen plenty of bases with 50+ farm animals or villagers in a much smaller area than mine. Does anyone have any idea what is happening here and how I can fix it? I sell the wool in my shop. HALP!
    I don't exactly know but I think when there are too many animals in one area that are not named they start to despawn to prevent lag. However, you did mention that you have seen others with massive flocks so I'm not really sure about this

    Yeah that's just the mob limiting plugin. The reason you're seeing other people with lots of mobs in one pen is probably because the plugin cuts the amount of mobs every few minutes if there are too many, so sometimes that is possible but for a short time. If you want to have mobs in large numbers you'll have to make their pens spread out and not put many in each pen.
    The farms I am referring to are always full of farm mobs or villagers - I see them every day and have also seen it with farms where the player hasn't been on in a few days, so I know they are not breeding. Their mobs are not despawning.

    Since we were told 25 mobs per chunk was the limit, I made sure each pen covered one full chunk...like, I made the farm HUMONGOUS just to be sure the despawning would stop and maybe I could get 6-8 in each pen. It's so big, it's stupid. :D

    Each 16 x 16 pen despawns sheep until there are only 1-3 per pen and it happens within seconds of breeding. One thing - it seems to be more of a problem with dyed sheep than the natural-colored ones.

    I guess what I am reporting is that while the limit is 25 per chunk, I am getting 1-3 per chunk and it seems to be a bug...perhaps with colored sheep? I don't know.
    Oh I see, you're right that may be a bug. I'll bring it to the owner's attention and i'm sorry for the inconvenience! Also what server is this on?
    Everyone said to try naming the sheep. I spent over $20K buying every available name tag and named each sheep as it was bred. It seemed fine last night...as if it was actually working. I had 4-6 sheep per chunk-size pen.

    This morning, I logged on and half have despawned. :mad: Can something PLEASE be done about this? I'm not sure why I am having this problem. Examples from around the server of players not having a problem with farm mob limit:


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    Maybe your sheep are not despawning, but dying... Have you made sure that there are no hazards in your pen? Sometimes they get stuck and suffocate on slabs, fences etc.

    Also check if they despawn when you are watching..

    Otherwise, like Carrot said, talk to Ash about it

    Hope This Helped

    No, and literally anyone can visit the farm and test it. We breed them and then watch as the sheep despawn within seconds. Within minutes, more have despawned. Hours later, even more are gone.

    Nearby, I conducted a test: I was able to breed (and keep) more cows in a 1.5-chunk pen than I can spawn sheep in a 16-chunk pen. Hoping someone is able to look into this!
    I have had the same problem with sheep at my "starter" area... Could only breed 6 or 8 in a relatively big pen. I gave up there. But rtp-ing around the world i have seen several tiny pens with over 20-30 sheep in it. In an area where sheep naturally spawn, there should not be this sort of an issue of raising the population by even 2 or 3 coloured sheep...
    Can this PLEASE get some attention? I've tried everything. We even checked below the pens to see if there were any large collections of hostile mobs. We named each sheep. I've bred them over and over and over again - I can get them up to 4-6 per pen, but they quickly despawn to 1-3 per pen. B4hand and other players have witnessed it. There are no other farms within range. I just can't find an explanation for why this happening. I'm frustrated. All I want is 6 sheep per 16x16 pen, which is WAY below the farm limiter parameters.
    I have the same problem. I keep breeding sheep but they keep disapearing. No matter what I try, it won't stop.