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  • Custom tool for the winners of a event build.

    Would it not be cool if the 5 winners who's work was judged and ranked top-5 in an event build would receive a custom tool, a custom building tool with a specific reference to being a good builder?

    The "Master Builder Pickaxe", the "Master Builder Axe" and /or "Master Builder Spade"?

    Those items have special characteristics (like those of special chests) but these "Master Builder" tools do not drop from any chest and can ONLY be gotten by being a winner in the building event?

    Now, perhaps you noticed I only mentioned 5 winners and not 6. The 6th winner of an events is the random pick and that random pick does not say anything about the actual quality of the build itself. So, the random selected builder isn't per definition a "Master Builder", unlike the others, who won their spot in the top 5 because of their quality build.

    At best the randomly picked winner could receive another one unique item, like a pair of special leather "Lucky Pants" or something, just for the fun of it. ;)
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    I don't agree with something like this. Vulengate sort of revolves around the aspect of RNG. Examples being the RNG loot from the crates, RNG fish from the fishing tournaments, the lottery from past iterations of Vulengate, chance of a key drop from bosses, random winners, etc. Its not a new concept at all but it makes it so the game/server is more equal for everyone. Even today, Vulengate has been patched over the course of its time toward giving all players a better chance at getting good stuff and balancing everything for everyone to have a good time.

    Don't know how much RNG crate loot has changed but they definitely made obtaining keys much easier for everyone, that being the 15th vote reward, daily and vote keys having the chance to turn into a more valuable key, and random winners from events getting keys. Drops from boss fights were vastly improved for the top participants compared to the past. Fishing tournaments allowed everyone to join regardless of their location and have a random chance at winning. Anyone could participate within a event contest and while their entry may not stand up to the more skillful players, they are still given the chance at winning thus worth participating. Even for winners of events who were given multiple keys, though they are given more keys which may give them more chances, they still had the same chance for good loot as a hobo.

    It is one thing that makes Vulengate fun because everyone has the equal chance to get something cool and chase after. Having exclusive tools to only winners would sort of go against the current Vulengate has been riding lately with equalizing chances of player loot. The random winner doesn't exist for nothing but it gives everyone the incentive to join for a chance to win cool prizes even if you don't feel like you can. Excluding these hypothetical master tools from the random winners because their build isn't "quality" would be an insult and would go against what I believe the random winner spot represents as.

    You could possibly give a trophy (similar to a fish trophy item but something more grand?) for winners to display in their homes for other players to see.
    [QUOTE="It is one thing that makes Vulengate fun because everyone has the equal chance to get something cool and chase after. Having exclusive tools to only winners would sort of go against the current Vulengate has been riding lately with equalizing chances of player loot. The random winner doesn't exist for nothing but it gives everyone the incentive to join for a chance to win cool prizes even if you don't feel like you can. Excluding these hypothetical master tools from the random winners because their build isn't "quality" would be an insult and would go against what I believe the random winner spot represents as.[/QUOTE]

    @Nard_ :

    Personally the random draw is something that I find unfair actually. It happens that some of the builds of the random winners are not even half as nice or made with half as much effort as some of the others that didn't make it to the top 5. Some of the others could deserve a price more then the random draw. Anyone could make a very simply build, made in 5 minutes, subscribe to the build event and still have a chance on that random draw. You get my point?

    ANYONE could win the #1 spot in an event build or end up in the top 5. Ok, perhaps not alone, not everyone has the same "talent" for it. But, as often happens, a team of builders is allowed as well. So, if you make your own little building team, even a bunch of Hobos with limited tools and resources could win the build competition.

    And thus, everyone has a fair shot at winning the "Master Builder" tools. Your argumentation that these tools would not be available to all, is incorrect. Everyone can participate with the event, and you do not need to be a #1 winner to get it. 5 players get such a tool. So, you really have a fair chance if you are willing to make an effort and build something pretty. If not alone, then with a team.

    Now, those tools called "Master Builder" tools don't have better characteristics then people would win from the special chests. No "special" capabilities beyond those the special chests drop. They are very similar to what anyone can win from special chests, except that their name tells you it is won by creating a great build on Vulengate. An appreciation for the craftsmanship of the builder. They are not above and beyond other tools, nor do they make you a better builder. So, no unfairness there either, people do not get an "advantage" by winning those tools.


    Personally I actually rather see the random drawn winner replaced by a forum poll winner. Where forum members can vote for the builds of their fellow builders. Like a "public" vote. That would be more fair then just a random draw. Because again, with little to no effort one could win the random draw ... and that isn't fair to those who didn't end up with any price but spend days on building their submission.

    But, that is a different topic of debate perhaps ...
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    Anyone could make a very simply build, made in 5 minutes, subscribe to the build event and still have a chance on that random draw.

    I don't know what goes on behind the scenes when it comes to judging within these competitions but I am sure the judges take precautions knowing which entries had actual effort put into them or abusing the random winner draw. I didn't feel like I needed to iterate that because the my main point about that random winner spot is that it does give all players a chance at winning something. What doesn't make sense is your next statement.

    ANYONE could win the #1 spot in an event build or end up in the top 5. ...everyone has a fair shot at winning the "Master Builder" tools. Your argumentation that these tools would not be available to all, is incorrect. Everyone can participate with the event, and you do not need to be a #1 winner to get it. 5 players get such a tool. So, you really have a fair chance if you are willing to make an effort and build something pretty.

    That is not my argument. My argument is that Vulengate has all of its goodies available to all ranks of players. Everyone has a chance through their key system to get something good. The whole reason why this thread even exists because it is YOU who are trying to suggest items only exclusive to winners, not everyone. On paper everyone has a shot at winning these tools, anyone can submit something in hopes to win. But because there is a judge system and because there are people out there who put a lot more work and effort than others, not everyone is going to get these alleged tools.

    I also think your additional points that you've made should have been better highlighted in your original post. I was going to question how powerful would these master builder tools would be compared to crate tools in my original comment since you weren't very specific.

    Would it not be cool if the 5 winners who's work was judged and ranked top-5 in an event build would receive a custom tool, a custom building tool with a specific reference to being a good builder? Those items have special characteristics (like those of special chests) but these "Master Builder" tools do not drop from any chest and can ONLY be gotten by being a winner in the building event?
    Now, those tools called "Master Builder" tools don't have better characteristics then people would win from the special chests. No "special" capabilities beyond those the special chests drop. They are very similar to what anyone can win from special chests, except that their name tells you it is won by creating a great build on Vulengate. An appreciation for the craftsmanship of the builder. They are not above and beyond other tools, nor do they make you a better builder. So, no unfairness there either, people do not get an "advantage" by winning those tools.

    I interpret your initial post as saying these are special tools that are only obtainable from winning and not from crates, meaning there is something that sets it a part from crate tools. It builds a picture that these are items that should be sought after. But now in your second post you are saying that there is nothing but a label separating these tools from crate tools? Your first post says cool exclusive tools, your second post says its a mere trophy with no special attributes but a label. Even in recent updates on Vulengate you can rename crate items now.

    Would it not be cool if the 5 winners who's work was judged and ranked top-5 in an event build would receive a custom tool, a custom building tool with a specific reference to being a good builder?

    No, it wouldn't be cool because this custom tool you are suggesting has no individualistic traits but a special name. If its a trophy you are suggesting then yeah that would be cool.
    @Nard_ Apparently my English skills as non-native speaker aren't so good. I don't know. I'll try to explain myself again then ...

    Those "Master Builder" tools can only be won through ending up in the top 5 submissions of an event build. Not from chests, not in other ways, only by becoming one of the winners in one (or more) of the event builds.

    These "Master Builder" tools are no more "powerful" then the tools you can win from special chests. So, they DO have "attributes" as you call them, much alike (if not the same) as those available to all via the special chests, like for example the Cornucopia Pickaxe / Spade / Axe. So, winners of these "Master Builder" tools are not getting an unfair advantage over other players that did not participate in or won an event build.

    It is simply that those tools have a different name (not for example Cornucopia, but "Master Builder" instead) and belong to the "Master Builders Collection". It is like a trophy - as you mentioned - a "collectors item" could also be a way to call it ... The difference between for example the Cornucopia items and the "Master Builders" tools, is that the Cornucopia items can be won via chests, and the "Master Builder" tools can ONLY be won when you become one of the top 5 submissions, judged by the crew on the building quality. After all, only the best are "masters" of their "trade".

    My argument is that Vulengate has all of its goodies available to all ranks of players. Everyone has a chance through their key system to get something good.

    What I suggested does not exclude anyone on Vulengate from winning these "special" tools. Again, Everyone has a chance to win an event build and thus have a chance to own a "Master Builder" tool. No matter the rank. As I mentioned before, also a hobo has a chance to win it. After all, an event build is open to all. The quality of your build will determine if your chance is bigger or smaller. If you feel your chance alone is too slim, or because you are new (Hobo or so) and do not have enough resources, then you can "team-up" to improve your chances. And if you fail once in a event build, well, then just check what made those other builds better or at least more "price worthy" and prepare better for the next event build. There are always new chances, new opportunities to win those tools at the next event build.

    The important difference between the ''regular" special chest items and these is that unlike the special items from the special chests (like the Cornucopia), for the "Master Builder" tools you actually have to make a bigger effort then just clicking with a key on a chest and hope you get lucky. You have to participate in a community event. And you have just as much a chance of EARNING such a tool as anyone else, if you participate.

    And again, those tools are NOT more powerful then the other special items from special chests. So, you are not gaining an advantage over others. You simply own an equally powerful tool as for example those Cornucopia tools, but with a different name and from a different collection (Master Builder).
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