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  • Concerning the reset,


    New Member
    Since the thread has been closed, I wasn't able to throw in the last of my thoughts.
    I agree that some of the hate that Ash is getting is downright unfair and not necessary. Going into such a decision of course would lead to disappointment, there is no doubt. I am certainly disappointed but understand that sometimes bold actions are to be taken especially in the benefit of the long.
    That said, at a time that is so divisive like this, I think more empathetic leadership was in order. Closing the thread and preventing others from adding their two cents seems to fuel the argument that a lack of empathy is in play here. Personally, Ash, I think you could've handled this better instead of shutting it down leaving some to feel like they've been left in the dust like myself. With this in mind, I'll be damned if I ever donate in the future.

    You are right, some of my responses were rude. I also perfectly understand why people are upset. There was no point in keeping the thread open if only negative comments will be posted there. I am not good at arguing with people, I want people to know that I in no way mean to be an ass. Vulengate is very important to me and this reset is also very important for Vulengates future. I find difficulty putting my thoughts about this in to words, but all I ask is for people to understand that things would have been much worse if it were not for this reset. Compensation isn't something that can be given without a great cost to the servers well being.
    I personally never meant to be hateful or rude or disrespectful. I was trying to come from a place of professionalism. I do understand not being able to put your thoughts into words but some of the responses were lacking and came across as "oh well, sucks to be you" mentality. Of course, I know that's not how you meant it but while I do support this decision, I don't support the lack of compensation. My money has someone gone down the drain....yes, I used that money to support the server and I'm sure it's gone towards hosting bills, the purchase of Xenforo, etc. and that is one half of why we donate. The other half though is being thrown out. As Clayton, I think, mentioned, it's made me sour (salty, however you want to call it) and it's turned me away and I hate to say that because this is a great server. It really is a great server but it's decisions like this and how they're handled that will make or break a players' decision.

    While I do not wish to continue the argument here, this will be my final peace on the matter. I guess I wish Vulengate the best of luck in the future and with this reset.
    I understand why a reset can be necessary if there are problems you're unable to fix. What I don't understand is how compensation could be problematic. Getting keys back isn't a crazy idea. I understand some people would start out with an upper hand, but that's an upper hand they paid REAL money for. We're already losing everything we've built, but having our money wasted on top of that? You have to realize you're losing several donators from this decision.
    For me, I get it. I understand why it has to be done. My main issue stems from the fact of how it was handled. I like this server a lot and I stayed around a lot longer than I thought I ever would. Ash I don't hate you or anything of the sort but you have to realize the things you say will affect the people playing and reflect on you. I want this server to do well so I can keep playing if people stick around but think about what you say. I watched the chat when things kicked off and it was painful to read. You must realize the magnitude and the severity of your choice of words and actions. Again I'm not trying to bash or hate but please think about today and reflect on how this type of situation can be handled in the future. I get that when I'm buying digital goods I'm basically throwing my money away. Because I have spent the pretty penny on some stupid things. But at least I know I will have it as long the game I'm supporting is still around. People feel cheated but I still think you should do SOMETHING to compensate the people who bought keys and such. Nothing game breaking or economy breaking but something to show your players that you're sorry and that you care. It will help and I think it will go a long way rather than having the attitude of "Tough Luck."
    For me, I get it. I understand why it has to be done. My main issue stems from the fact of how it was handled. I like this server a lot and I stayed around a lot longer than I thought I ever would. Ash I don't hate you or anything of the sort but you have to realize the things you say will affect the people playing and reflect on you. I want this server to do well so I can keep playing if people stick around but think about what you say. I watched the chat when things kicked off and it was painful to read. You must realize the magnitude and the severity of your choice of words and actions. Again I'm not trying to bash or hate but please think about today and reflect on how this type of situation can be handled in the future. I get that when I'm buying digital goods I'm basically throwing my money away. Because I have spent the pretty penny on some stupid things. But at least I know I will have it as long the game I'm supporting is still around. People feel cheated but I still think you should do SOMETHING to compensate the people who bought keys and such. Nothing game breaking or economy breaking but something to show your players that you're sorry and that you care. It will help and I think it will go a long way rather than having the attitude of "Tough Luck."

    Amen and well said! My thoughts exact!
    For me, I get it. I understand why it has to be done. My main issue stems from the fact of how it was handled. I like this server a lot and I stayed around a lot longer than I thought I ever would. Ash I don't hate you or anything of the sort but you have to realize the things you say will affect the people playing and reflect on you. I want this server to do well so I can keep playing if people stick around but think about what you say. I watched the chat when things kicked off and it was painful to read. You must realize the magnitude and the severity of your choice of words and actions. Again I'm not trying to bash or hate but please think about today and reflect on how this type of situation can be handled in the future. I get that when I'm buying digital goods I'm basically throwing my money away. Because I have spent the pretty penny on some stupid things. But at least I know I will have it as long the game I'm supporting is still around. People feel cheated but I still think you should do SOMETHING to compensate the people who bought keys and such. Nothing game breaking or economy breaking but something to show your players that you're sorry and that you care. It will help and I think it will go a long way rather than having the attitude of "Tough Luck."
    Not much I can do other than what I'm already doing, trying to improve and grow the server. I put a ton of work in to Green and I hope that the people who stay will enjoy it. There is still a lot more to come, and hopefully if the economy stays stable, this won't have to happen again.

    I also agree with what you said, some of the stuff I said shouldn't have been said. I got really frustrated with all the negativity and started responding in that way.
    Every server I have ever played on has resets. Most have them annually to keep the server up-to-date and running smoothly. I can see how long time players are upset. Hell, I'm upset and I've only been playing since December. But I mean come on guys... We all saw this coming. Id rather have the world data wiped than have the server close multiple times a week just so staff can keep it afloat, and even then have horrible economies and unbearable lag...
    Not much I can do other than what I'm already doing, trying to improve and grow the server. I put a ton of work in to Green and I hope that the people who stay will enjoy it. There is still a lot more to come, and hopefully if the economy stays stable, this won't have to happen again.

    I also agree with what you said, some of the stuff I said shouldn't have been said. I got really frustrated with all the negativity and started responding in that way.

    That's fair. Like I said I get it and I'm excited to see what's to come for Green. I'm not really bummed out about the reset because I never really had much in the first place but I feel for those who put it in a lot more time and actually made amazing things. And a thing to think about is having either money sinks or item sinks. That's something Runescape has done recently because there was too much gold/ Items ingame and was hurting the economy of the game. I think it's helped in the long run and I implore you look at other online games and such to get ideas to help make the economy stable.

    And we're all human, we make mistakes and we have emotions. I don't think I would have reacted well either from what was said. But I can tell people really like and care about this server and want it to do well. As do I because I find myself playing on it a lot. And not everything that is negative should be taken badly. They care and they're showing that they care. I learned this the hard way myself when people on 4chan and on discord were very critical of my art. It hurt a lot and I didn't react well. But they were being honest and it's really helped me improve my art. So please do what I did and take what you can from this and learn. Just as I did. It hurts and it's not something I really want to do again but it's useful feedback. Unless they're just calling you names. Then forget that noise. Love you Ash~
    This message is directed mainly at those who are going over the line and attacking not just the owner but the server itself. It's also just a way to give my opinion on the situation.
    Ok guys let's just take a step back and breathe.
    I don't want to step on anyone's toes but I feel like as a donator myself, I should give my personal opinion on it.
    When I donated to Vulengate, I did so in order to help the server run. I also got some OP items on the side but to me that's not what matters.
    I love the server itself and how it is ran. I must admit I was skeptical of the reset, but at the end of the day I remembered that the items did not matter as much as the health of the server. Things will return to normal in a few months and heck maybe things will be well improved. When I paid over $100 to this server, I knew the costs and understood what my money was going towards. I want this server to grow and I will continue to donate to help the server in anyway I can. Call me dumb or whatever because I won't always get those OP in game items but that doesn't matter to me. I feel applaud at some of the flack Ashinos is getting, he is doing his best to make everyone happy and this decision wasn't easy for him. I know that no matter what I say, people will still be pissed and that's fine. It's fine to have an opinion but don't take it to a personal level and threaten the server owner with EULA violations. (people who were so quick to rag on Ashinos and threaten lawsuit). But then again it's the internet an I gotta accept that occurring behavior. It also just shows who truly cares about the server and not just their petty items. Not to say that people who disagree with the decision are not loyal, again this is mainly towards the people who are threatening and being just overall spiteful.
    Now here is the real edit to this post.
    I understand people being genuinely upset and wanting their stuff to be transferred over. That's not an unreasonable request. I would even support that if that was an option for a full reset. But sadly it's not and the Owner has given a decision on the matter, who knows though. He might change it, he might not. You have to just see how things go day by day and hope your suggestion is accepted and implemented. On the idea of compensation, it makes sense why you guys would want to be compensated. It's your money and you reserve the right to state what is to be done with your money. Trust me, I do want my Anniversary set and Clover set back. I want my color chats, morphs, ranks, balance, and claim blocks back. But I personally just accepted that I will get these things back with time. If you still want to persuade and suggest something alternative to the current decision, I'd more than happy agree with it. But from a server stand point, it's just not healthy for the server, in my opinion. To put it simply, in theory, this reset should help provide some solution to the player based economy issue and I think it's worth to see how that pans out. Unfortunately, everyone has to lose everything they either bought or built. But I think it will benefit us all in the long run. If you don't agree then that's fine, I will still support whatever opinions you have, I just might not agree with them entirely.
    Remember when you donate to a Minecraft server, you cannot be ignorant of the possibility of a reset or mishaps. You should just be happy that you're supporting your favorite server and hope that it sticks around for a long time. That's not to say you cannot feel otherwise, my words may seem harsh but that's just an opinion of mine.
    You cannot threaten a server owner to get what you want because it doesn't work that way on here and I give props to Ashinos for holding his ground!
    Overall, just please be respectful and understand that everything is gonna be ok!
    Vulengate will continue and grow from here on out.
    Just please tone down the toxicity and be nice to one another.

    Have a good night everyone.
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    I am not good at arguing with people, I want people to know that I in no way mean to be an ass. Vulengate is very important to me and this reset is also very important for Vulengates future. I find difficulty putting my thoughts about this in to words, but all I ask is for people to understand that things would have been much worse if it were not for this reset.

    I do think that the majority of players do understand that you do not wish to upset people. You might not be good at arguing with people, but so far you (and your fellow crew members) have always done a good job. That is at least my experience from the time I have been playing here.

    You will never make everyone happy, no matter how big the effort is. I think you should not take the "not-so-nice" comments from the members too personally. Not everyone is "mature enough" to deal with the emotions that I think pretty much everyone experiences. The "not-so-nice" comments say more about those who utter them, then about you. It's never fun when you have to "say goodbye" to someone or something in this case you got "attached" too. But this is part of life unfortunately. The older you get, the more aware you become of that and the more willing you are to accept this fact of life.

    I guess many do not know how much time and effort is required to keep a game server up and running and to keep everyone more or less satisfied. Only people who have some experience with this might understand.

    So, I think I'm not the only one when I say "thank you for keeping Vulengate up and running so far". :)
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    Compensation isn't something that can be given without a great cost to the servers well being.

    If copying content (like art works, et cetera) is going to effect the stability of the server negatively, then obviously this should NOT be done. Better a fresh start that lasts longer, then another reset in a couple of months from now.

    You mentioned in the official announcement: "You will lose everything except for donor ranks." I guess you mean ranks like VIP, MVP, Premium? that can be bought at the https://store.vulengate.com/ ?

    What about the packages of claimblocks? If a player likes to recreate his/her builds or rebuild a town and has purchased claimblocks via the store, would it not be logical that at least purchased claimblocks are also available after the server reset? That does not effect the game-play or economy of the clean server negatively after all, right?

    If I take myself as example ... the only reason why I was able to build Snizzleburgh in a couple months time, was because I bought 50k claimblocks to secure the area and could continue building without worries. If everything - thus claimblocks as well - is lost with the reset, then I would be either forced to buy another package of claimblocks if I want to rebuild, or not rebuild at all. The claimblocks that drop from the crates are simply not enough and do not drop fast enough to be able to rebuild the large builds like that.
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    This post will probably be lost in the sea of comments and opinions on the reset, but I just wanted to state mine.

    I have just come from viewing the announcement thread, and man, the amount of negativity is overwhelming. As a donator myself, I do understand where everyone is coming from (both positive and negative) about Ash's decsion; and I do agree that the lost of items bought with real life currency would be undoubtedly painful. Although I do think some people may be overreacting due to this decision (possibly) catching many off-guard. The way language was used to state opinions were very unconsiderate, and it just seemed like people were just using others to vent their anger. Again, I do not blame them for doing so - since sometimes our emotions and ideals can get the better of us.

    But let's put aside all that.

    I just want to say that I support this decision wholeheartedly. Ash is the server's owner and I am sure he talked this over with the other staff and contemplated a lot before making this decision. He is the owner, so he should know what's best for this server.

    And on a positive note,

    I am super pumped and excited to play on the Green server once it gets opened to the public! Getting to see people from both Red and Blue would be really amazing, and I can't wait to start fresh with everyone :) It sucks that I won't have my builds on Blue anymore. But hey! That doesn't mean that I can't create bigger, better, and more magical ones in the new server!

    That's all from me. I just wanted to spread some positivity in this time of uncertainty within the server. I'm sure we'll all look back one day and realise that change may not be so bad after all :)

    Have a good day/ night everyone!
    if the sever reset makes red and blue run better and allows 1.13 then I think it is a good idea to reset
    i do have some pretty good items that i will lose but i can always get more
    Personally, I'm SUPER excited about this reset announcement. I'm looking forward to a fresh map and re-building a water base with my sister (especially with all of the new water features coming in the 1.13 update!!).

    Minecraft has always had this "rinse and repeat" vibe, so, I have zero issues with this change.

    I'm also thankful that Ash is doing his best and making these hard decisions to better the server. It's a stressful role for sure. He said he's been working hard on Green and I'm pumped to check it out. Green! Green! Green!
    This message is directed mainly at those who are angry at the reset and just a way to give my opinion on the situation.
    Ok guys let's just take a step back and breathe.
    I don't want to step on anyone's toes but I feel like as a donator myself, I should give my personal opinion on it.
    When I donated to Vulengate, I did so in order to help the server run. I also got some OP items on the side but to me that's not what matters.
    I love the server itself and how it is ran. I must admit I was skeptical of the reset, but at the end of the day I remembered that the items did not matter as much as the health of the server. Things will return to normal in a few months and heck maybe things will be well improved. When I paid over $100 to this server, I knew the costs and understood what my money was going towards. I want this server to grow and I will continue to donate to help the server in anyway I can. Call me dumb or whatever because I won't always get those OP in game items but that doesn't matter to me. I feel applaud at some of the flack Ashinos is getting, he is doing his best to make everyone happy and this decision wasn't easy for him. Other donator's out there shouldn't just turn their backs on a server because they lost a few in game items, if that's what your loyalty to the server is then you can say your threats and leave. I know that no matter what I say, people will still be pissed and that's fine. It's fine to have an opinion but don't take it to a personal level and threaten the server owner with EULA violations. It's honestly disturbing to know that I was playing with such toxic players. But then again it's the internet an I gotta accept that occurring behavior. It also just shows who truly cares about the server and not just their petty items.
    Remember when you donate to a Minecraft server, you cannot be ignorant of the possibility of a reset or mishaps. You should just be happy that you're supporting your favorite server and hope that it sticks around for a long time.
    And you cannot threaten a server owner to get what you want because it doesn't work that way on here and I give props to Ashinos for holding his ground!
    Overall, just please be respectful and understand that everything is gonna be ok!
    Vulengate will continue and grow from here on out.
    Just please tone down the toxicity and be nice to one another.

    Have a good night everyone.

    As someone who used to be staff on servers before, I know you're not supposed to call players toxic or question their loyalty. It's a little ridiculous to be seeing this. Sorry to say, but staff should be held to a higher standard than this. This is completely unprofessional and seriously disappointing. Especially the implication that everyone should have reacted the way you did. We're all different here. Some people actually care if their money was wasted, and it's a completely valid opinion. People should be able to express their feelings about these huge issues if they wish. Obviously, I'm not speaking for the people going overboard or unfairly insulting anyone. I mean people like Clayton, Riot, and Gigi who had really fair points and reasonable concerns. I'm not trying to argue here and I get that this was harsh, but this kind of needed to be said. As staff, you represent the server and have to at least try to understand their concerns. Unprofessionalism can lead to loss of trust, which will cause you to lose players in the long run. I truly hope situations like this are handled better in the future.
    As someone who used to be staff on servers before, I know you're not supposed to call players toxic or question their loyalty. It's a little ridiculous to be seeing this. Sorry to say, but staff should be held to a higher standard than this. This is completely unprofessional and seriously disappointing. Especially the implication that everyone should have reacted the way you did. We're all different here. Some people actually care if their money was wasted, and it's a completely valid opinion. People should be able to express their feelings about these huge issues if they wish. Obviously, I'm not speaking for the people going overboard or unfairly insulting anyone. I mean people like Clayton, Riot, and Gigi who had really fair points and reasonable concerns. I'm not trying to argue here and I get that this was harsh, but this kind of needed to be said. As staff, you represent the server and have to at least try to understand their concerns. Unprofessionalism can lead to loss of trust, which will cause you to lose players in the long run. I truly hope situations like this are handled better in the future.

    I thank you for your opinion, but there seems to be a misunderstanding, I did mention that, "I know that no matter what I say, people will still be pissed and that's fine. It's fine to have an opinion but don't take it to a personal level and threaten the server owner with EULA violations.", this was targeted at a certain group of people who were harassing Ashinos. You cannot deny that some people were going over the line. I am staff, but I have to stand up for not just the owner but as a person. Also I did mention how I didn't want to step on anyone's toes, just wanted to speak from a donators perspective. "I don't want to step on anyone's toes but I feel like as a donator myself, I should give my personal opinion on it."
    I try to understand everyone and it appears that I did not make that clear in my post even though I also said, "I must admit I was skeptical of the reset, but at the end of the day I remembered that the items did not matter as much as the health of the server. Things will return to normal in a few months and heck maybe things will be well improved." I did not mean to offend those with genuine concern(Clayton, Riot, Gigi, and you) but to only protect those from others who were attacking the server, who were not just assertively voicing their opinion. I did not mean for the implication to act the way I do but tried to pitch my opinion on the situation like everyone else. I understand that I am staff and my words have a heavier meaning, I failed to appeal to each side of the argument. I'll even make some edits with my wording. Rest assured, I'll make my points much more clearer in the future and make it so that it favors everyone. I'm sorry for the misunderstanding.

    Hopefully we've cleared thing up and everything is all good now.:)
    It's currently edited now. Feel free to read and critique it! I love hearing the communities opinions, sorry if that was something that I did not make clear before.​
    Some thing I have noticed, is that some players look at the server and it's crew as if it is an official company or business, like a bank or multinational or something. And that those who run the server are well payed professionals.

    As far as I know the majority - if not all crew members - run this server "on the side", in their free time. It's not their primary full time job, more like a "hobby" rather then their official full-time (and well payed) job, right?

    Perhaps the expectations of those people (that shout the loudest, complain and criticize most) is perhaps unrealistic? Perhaps their ideas and the "picture" that have formed in their own minds about the server and it's crew is what is wrong?