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  • Boss Egg Changes

    Do you guys agree with the changes? or at least agree that the boss eggs need to be changed?

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    Damon Phan

    New Member
    Hello staff, or Kureen...... *Cough* *cough* Monkey........but anyways, it was something i have been wanting to do for a while and that is change the boss eggs! The Cursed Kahuna is a very.... bad boss.....
    1. The Egg is TOO EXPENSIVE- i feel that little to no one buys the eggs because they are not worth it, people spend too much time getting money for the egg which is 45k, and the rewards are not worth it at all, even with 3 people getting all 3 prizes.Even the sword because the drop rate for it is just not good at all. Please CONSIDER changing the Boss egg to 25k or 35k

    2.The APPEARANCE- When i looked at the custom image you gave the Cursed Kahuna on the website, it looked so cool and big, very intriguing, and then after that expensive long grind to get the egg, its just a skeleton with chain mail armor..... The boss doesn't look good at all! Please CONSIDER changing it to to the hawaiian theme, Have the boss wear hawaiian armor because the appearance he has right now is completely irrelevant. (Explaining the hawaiian armor in suggestion 5)

    3. The FIGHT- The boss is too boring to kill, many would agree to have the boss do a mechanic such as instead of just hitting it or bowing it to death, you give the boss a weak spot or something obvious for someone to point out, so they know to hit the boss there for extra damage, like maybe having a block with a button on it that when pushed, drops tnt that does significant damage to the boss. which would lead me into the next suggestion

    4.The ARENA- The idea of getting an egg is too plain and boring, instead you can take the eggs out and replace them with some sort of key that when clicked on summons a portal of some sort that stays open for a good amount of time for everyone to get into that WARPS people into a environment based arena on the boss, with this arena made for the boss, you can do custom stuff such as the damaging mechanism i described in suggestion 3.

    5.The REWARDS- The boss droping hawaiian keys is complete bogus because of the price of the egg most people would just sell the keys to a only EQUAL PROFIT, so instead we have the boss wearing the armor, and every time that button or something like that is spawned, when you click it, it spawns the tnt and does damage, and the boss gets weaker because one of the 4 pieces of hawaiian gear drops or has a CHANCE to drop. ALSO when the boss is slain, the prizes are automatically put into your inventory, and the top 3 or 5 people get rewards, so instead of 2 hawaiian keys for top damage dealing player it would be 3 and a chance of getting the sword (greater chance this time), 2nd most 2 hawiian keys, 3rd most 1 hawiian key, if you do 4 and 5, 4th most gets 75% chance to get hawaiian key or 75% chance to get premium keys (anything that gives a chance for more rewards, you can mess around with the drop rates), 5th most would get 50% chance of getting premium key and 50% chance of getting 3 wild keys

    6. The WILD EGG- Please consider these changes on this BOSS and all other FUTURE BOSSES.

    READ- These are just suggestions but asked by me and a bunch of others, i believe these changes need to be made because we need more use for the boss eggs and more events like the fishing event but it is a community thing such as someone types in chat saying Doing CURSED KAHUNA BOSS! TP TO JOIN!, people would actually be exited to do it, these suggestions can be exactly the way i typed them or can be changed around, as long it has similar things i suggested. Thank you for taking your time - ZappyIsKey
    such as someone types in chat saying Doing CURSED KAHUNA BOSS! TP TO JOIN!
    well no one that ik of ever says that. they actually say the complete opposite. "hey Im doing the boss, DONT JOIN!" and people say that because too many people join and its annoying because you cant hit the boss and someone with knock back 10 billion is hitting him. and too many people means more frames that can drop and it also means that you can hit the person with you and not the boss.
    The Egg is TOO EXPENSIVE
    This right here is something i can agree with. it is very expensive and when someone sells the keys the price of the keys are completely different based on the price of the egg. (the egg is worth more than the 2 keys you get from the boss on all the servers). So i also agree with giving us more keys or dropping the price of the egg but NOT BOTH.
    Only thing that i would change is the price. 45k is nothing with the ways you can make money with these bosses.If you fight it with 3 friends, and that all of em get keys, that's 4 keys.Each key goes for 15k to 20k, you sell 4 you get either 60k or 80k at max, or 30k to 40k at lowest.The egg is easy to exploit and to profit off of, you could buy it for 45k, sell the keys (lets say you got 3 for this case) and get around 60k, thats 15k profit and you still got money to buy another one.It isnt expensive when you can make that much money from them, and getting a chance of getting the sword he drops.
    The plugin we use for the bosses are not made by us so we are not able to add any features to it which means that we are limited to customization options and that said, there's not a lot we can do about question 2,3,4 and partially 5,6.

    For question 1. The pricing is tough cause we don't want to try to change the economy too much. When setting the price for the boss we obviously carefully considered this. We knew that keys usually went for about 20k each and this still seems to be the deal. Each boss fight you get on average 3,5 keys and if you sell those you get about 70k per boss fight which is quite a large profit.
    The plugin we use for the bosses are not made by us so we are not able to add any features to it which means that we are limited to customization options and that said, there's not a lot we can do about question 2,3,4 and partially 5,6.

    You could always download new plugins, i understand if they are not 1.13 so im aware you are limited, so im suggesting you have a block spawn in and you click a button or something so that it drops tnt and deals damage, make the fight more active and fun, its much better than using a bow and just clicking the boss with your sword, if you add more rewards, increasing the price would be no issue because we want to make sure the best of the best get there moneys worth.