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  • Aesthetic & Productivity Improvements


    New Member

    "Aesthetic & Productivity Improvements"
    1. The contents of the information in the Helper Application Format, aside from the actual format itself, are written in a rather pulsing red.

    I propose that the color be changed to a less straining-on-the-eyes version of the red, such as the one found in the Helper Application Information thread.

    Why? Straining on the eyes due to the background and bright shade of red.

    2. The ranks MVP and Donor, which are available on the Buycraft store, currently use the same coloring for their tags and the only difference between the two is that when chatting the color of the bracket used to contain the tags are different.

    I propose that the rank color of either MVP or Donor be changed.

    Why? To add variety, it looks boring and ugly too. Especially since the rank above Donor, VIP, is a completely different color and then MVP is the same as the first.

    3. Currently members of the Vulengate community are able to use both the forums and Discord for virtually the same thing and this has resulted in Discord being prioritized due to the fact that it is easier to use for users.

    I propose that either the responsibilities and duties which the platforms will take on are redistributed and appropriately changed or that one of the platforms are removed as they are no longer necessary as everything which could be done on that platform could be done on the other but easier and more conveniently for both the members and the staff team.

    Why? Explained sufficiently enough above, however, due to the scale of this last suggestion I am available to be messaged privately about further information regarding it if that is necessary.
    1. I changed the color of the the text. Personally I didnt find it straining on my eyes but I can't speak for everyone :)

    2. The color for the ranks have been like that since forever. Again, personally I haven't had an issue with this and I don't think I've heard anyone else suggest a change so I don't think it should be changed.

    3. Having both of the website and discord is great in my opinion. It's true that the forums is a bit neglected but it's still super useful for certain things. Due to the forums it's possible to have a more professional structure when it comes to announcing updates, handling ban appeals, staff/art/town applications and more. And as for the stuff that can be done both on the discord and forums, such as suggestions, I still think the forums is handy since it's just generally easier to present suggestions and discuss. So I don't think that either of them should be removed and I am happy with the current structure.
    1. I changed the color of the the text. Personally I didnt find it straining on my eyes but I can't speak for everyone :)

    2. The color for the ranks have been like that since forever. Again, personally I haven't had an issue with this and I don't think I've heard anyone else suggest a change so I don't think it should be changed.

    3. Having both of the website and discord is great in my opinion. It's true that the forums is a bit neglected but it's still super useful for certain things. Due to the forums it's possible to have a more professional structure when it comes to announcing updates, handling ban appeals, staff/art/town applications and more. And as for the stuff that can be done both on the discord and forums, such as suggestions, I still think the forums is handy since it's just generally easier to present suggestions and discuss. So I don't think that either of them should be removed and I am happy with the current structure.
    1. It could just simply be my eyes but paired with the background color it is incredibly straining for myself and a few others I asked about it and I appreciate that you've changed it.

    2. It isn't that it is an issue for me personally or that I'm completely offended by it, I just simply believe that it is ugly and it doesn't entirely make sense as to why they'd be the same. It just seems like laziness more than anything and I do not mean for that to suggest that I believe you or the other members of the staff team are lazy.

    3. I agree that the forums is more professional in that regard and therefore preferably for such things such as announcements and ban appeals etc. However, I agree that Discord is far easier and more accessible for individuals to suggest things and comment on suggestions but it simply is not necessary, is confusing and requires more effort for both the people suggesting and the staff team. By having two platforms for the same things, one of which is generally neglected, it means that the staff team have to also moderate and check up on both platforms regularly (which isn't entirely done) and I believe it would be far more efficient if such things were switched to a single platform whether that be Discord or the forums, I'm not saying that one platform needs to be removed but simply duties and responsibilities redistributed.
    Lemme in on this, just to give my opinion.

    1. I agree, the color was a little difficult and eye straining, but still able to read it. I agree on a color change.

    2. I think the MVP should be a different color (I say MVP instead of Donor because theres more MVP) and Con and I were talking about it the other day, he was saying maybe &4[&6MVP&4] but I was personally thinking something different cause it's the same concept of colors basically. I feel like &c[&3MVP&c] would be better.

    3. Both forums and discord do kinda serve their own purposes. For example, a website is more flexible with how things can be set up. But discord follows their limited programming. So thats why it's more for the conversation or in-and-out stuff. Forums are more permanent, more important. Where cases can be easily stated, where things can go in depth. And yes, forums are much more professional and they have been treated as such.
    Lemme in on this, just to give my opinion.

    1. I agree, the color was a little difficult and eye straining, but still able to read it. I agree on a color change.

    2. I think the MVP should be a different color (I say MVP instead of Donor because theres more MVP) and Con and I were talking about it the other day, he was saying maybe &4[&6MVP&4] but I was personally thinking something different cause it's the same concept of colors basically. I feel like &c[&3MVP&c] would be better.

    3. Both forums and discord do kinda serve their own purposes. For example, a website is more flexible with how things can be set up. But discord follows their limited programming. So thats why it's more for the conversation or in-and-out stuff. Forums are more permanent, more important. Where cases can be easily stated, where things can go in depth. And yes, forums are much more professional and they have been treated as such.
    3. Read my response to his comment. It pretty much addresses what you said.
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    1. I think it's pretty eye catching so people actually read it, but I can see how it may bother people with sensitive eyes, it's a pretty simple fix and has been fixed.
    2. I see your reasoning with it, maybe purples, it's hard to have different ones since there are so few minecraft colors able to be used and to be aesthetically pleasing. Maybe change MVP to a dark aqua but I don't think anything changed would work well, or just change VIP to gold so it's in line with the others. Other than that I've never really noticed it, it doesn't really bother me and my MVP friends have never been bothered by it...
    3. I agree entirely with Kureen and Naxuri. Both platforms are frequently looked at by various staff, most reports do come in from discord because it's easier to send and easier to respond, but should people send it here it will still be dealt with. There have been people that can use neither and somehow they still get reports to us, by word of others, asking someone else to tell us, or waiting for someone to come online. There have been kids that aren't allowed on discord or the forums, removing one would prohibit certain people from being able to get efficient help at a decent speed.
    Like Kureen said, the forums are formal while discord is less so formal, discord is also about community. It connects people on every server in one setting to chat and bond with immediate responses. On discord, people can get attention of staff vaguely immediately but discord is unprofessional and it wouldn't look very nice if the announcements were just posted there, as well as people wouldn't be able to reply to announcements and ask questions about updates without it being buried.
    I really don't think it's as confusing as you seem to think and I'd love if you were to elaborate as to what specifically is confusing, it may just be due to not using discord enough to understand certain things. Also, while it may seem staff doesn't check forums sometimes it's merely because we glance in and when someone hasn't posted in reports we leave, if they need help they need to put it there. Sometimes things are handled as well, but they're just not mentioned that they have been handled which is something that is being done more frequently now to avoid confusion.
    1. I think it's pretty eye catching so people actually read it, but I can see how it may bother people with sensitive eyes, it's a pretty simple fix and has been fixed.
    2. I see your reasoning with it, maybe purples, it's hard to have different ones since there are so few minecraft colors able to be used and to be aesthetically pleasing. Maybe change MVP to a dark aqua but I don't think anything changed would work well, or just change VIP to gold so it's in line with the others. Other than that I've never really noticed it, it doesn't really bother me and my MVP friends have never been bothered by it...
    3. I agree entirely with Kureen and Naxuri. Both platforms are frequently looked at by various staff, most reports do come in from discord because it's easier to send and easier to respond, but should people send it here it will still be dealt with. There have been people that can use neither and somehow they still get reports to us, by word of others, asking someone else to tell us, or waiting for someone to come online. There have been kids that aren't allowed on discord or the forums, removing one would prohibit certain people from being able to get efficient help at a decent speed.
    Like Kureen said, the forums are formal while discord is less so formal, discord is also about community. It connects people on every server in one setting to chat and bond with immediate responses. On discord, people can get attention of staff vaguely immediately but discord is unprofessional and it wouldn't look very nice if the announcements were just posted there, as well as people wouldn't be able to reply to announcements and ask questions about updates without it being buried.
    I really don't think it's as confusing as you seem to think and I'd love if you were to elaborate as to what specifically is confusing, it may just be due to not using discord enough to understand certain things. Also, while it may seem staff doesn't check forums sometimes it's merely because we glance in and when someone hasn't posted in reports we leave, if they need help they need to put it there. Sometimes things are handled as well, but they're just not mentioned that they have been handled which is something that is being done more frequently now to avoid confusion.
    3. Both platforms probably are looked out by various but they certainly aren't responded to as often and I've seen threads which are very old not even receiving a response, whether or not things were actually done about the things in the threads is unknown to me obviously. But, a response should be given either way. I'm not suggesting to remove a platform entirely, like I said above. It is merely a suggestion if redistribution is not made.I agree that Discord is less formal and is easier to use and communicate on etc. No one is disagreeing with that at all. I understand that posting announcements only on Discord would be unprofessional and it is not necessary to do it on Discord now either, I believe announcements should be solely on the forums. Individuals who care about the announcements and updates to the server will look to the forums. Announcements made should have all the relevant information in them and should answer the majority of questions that individuals would have for staff, however, it is not as if that questions in relation to the announcement(s) should only be made in one channel? They could be asked at any time or any place if a staff member is available. It's confusing because I have to keep switching platforms and determine which gets more attention on some things and which gets it on other things (and to add: I've been using Discord since 2015, so it certainly is not Discord itself which is confusing me).

    Discord should be prioritized for communication and bringing the community together and the forums should be used for official and professional duties which are not suitable for a chatting platform, essentially. It must be irritating for staff to check both platforms frequently, as you have mentioned, when it would be so much easier if there was a single place where individuals could request assistance. Or at least it will become a problem once popularity and community activity increases.
    Thank you for your suggestion! without people's suggestions the server will be like a birthday cake without candles, we appriciate your suggestion alot!