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  • Abandoned Market Plots?

    I agree, you have said everything there is to say.

    For example, Pezzz, who no longer really plays, comes on once a month or so to renew her 30 days and for a month and a half NOTHING has changed on her plot.

    Karbs’ situation is different though. He has sold his plot to someone but still needs to come on to renew it. Same with miningmama on Kim’s plot.

    I also wanted to quickly say that in the summer I am going on holiday for more than 30 days and would like to have my market plot period extended as I will still be playing, but just on holiday with no way to access minecratt.

    Just wanted to put that out there,

    I hear your frustration and I understand. The situation I'm in with the plots is not what I'd like. We have tried to change things there, but the commands in that world are not the same as in the wild with claims. It's intended that plot can be unclaimed, and the owner would get something like $30K back. A player would then have to pay the $125K for that plot. However, right now there isn't a known way to abandon a plot. This is being looked into and has been for awhile. I'll be as excited as all of you to get it sorted. Please be patient. Help one another where you can, rent or allow use of space. Darth was very kind to let me sell my art in his shop. Also, everyone plays differently and at a different pace. Completely abandoned plots seem frustrating, but there is an individual story behind each space. People's computers break, they have finals, family emergencies and more. Maybe for now we focus on what we have, and support each other as we always have on Vulengate. The server is an ever changing place and a lot to manage even with all the great staff. Keep sharing your ideas, and keep it fun!
    There is a person on Blue with a plot next to the shop I co-own with my friends. It's been almost 2 months and it's nothing but a random thin stone tower with no openings, no shop chests, nothing. I tried sending them a mail to see if they plan to finish it up but haven't gotten any response. I've seen them online at least twice in that time.

    As the plot is the last of the "front line" plots that hasn't been developed into a shop and more people are opening shops it seems wasteful to have a prime location like that go to waste when someone else could actually make use of it.

    I certainly hope a solution to this issue can be found soon! :)
    What makes the green server exceptional (and frustrating) is that nearly ALL of the "front line" plots have been mostly abandoned - partial builds, empty chests, absent owners, etc.
    I hear your frustration and I understand. The situation I'm in with the plots is not what I'd like. We have tried to change things there, but the commands in that world are not the same as in the wild with claims. It's intended that plot can be unclaimed, and the owner would get something like $30K back. A player would then have to pay the $125K for that plot. However, right now there isn't a known way to abandon a plot. This is being looked into and has been for awhile. I'll be as excited as all of you to get it sorted. Please be patient. Help one another where you can, rent or allow use of space. Darth was very kind to let me sell my art in his shop. Also, everyone plays differently and at a different pace. Completely abandoned plots seem frustrating, but there is an individual story behind each space. People's computers break, they have finals, family emergencies and more. Maybe for now we focus on what we have, and support each other as we always have on Vulengate. The server is an ever changing place and a lot to manage even with all the great staff. Keep sharing your ideas, and keep it fun!
    Thought the command for admins was:- /plot remove <player>
    What makes the green server exceptional (and frustrating) is that nearly ALL of the "front line" plots have been mostly abandoned - partial builds, empty chests, absent owners, etc.
    Not true..... :I altogether I have lots of sell shops on my plot, and even though I don't play, there are loaads of other people selling things on my tower so I don't count to that....

    Just Sayin'

    Pter, you know I am speaking the truth. The overwhelming majority of front line shops are abandoned. Most on the second row are, also. This leaves many active vendors on the third and fourth rows.

    You sell six items (with two out of stock) in a tower that is 75 blocks high. Bozar has done a nice job with his floor, but owns a plot of his own that someone else could take and, IMO, he would sell more there rather than in your tower. Boston has a few sell chests on their floor. Jeremy sells 4 items on his floor - all out of stock.

    When and if this map is reset, I believe management needs to implement some rules. There should be an application process, just like there is for towns. Also, I refuse to believe there is no way to remove plot owners and staff has the ability to remove builds and reset plots. The market is a place to SELL, not a build showcase for inactive players.
    Yes, you did get me there...

    But I do not want to be held responsible for people in my tower being out of stock... :I
    Well Pter as a member of a shop co-op (on blue) we chose our most active player to be the owner of the shop. We also have someone who is in charge of making sure chests are not sitting empty for extended periods of time. Recently we had to ask one of the members who is rarely on to remove their chest shops because they haven't been active.

    If you have people who's chest shops are always out of stock that makes you, the owner, look bad. It also means less likelihood that anyone will return to buy anything at your plot. That reason alone is why I always go to Penny's shop when I'm on green.

    If you don't want the responsibility of making sure all the shops on your plot stay active then perhaps you shouldn't own a plot and instead just have a few chests at someone else's plot. I'm sorry if that comes off rude, that's not my intention I'm just being practical.
    I have been thinking about that, but I would hate to see my scraper go. All together, I have packed up on green and am just trying to sell the floors on it (I'm also getting rid of my floor). Having someone who manages it seems like a good idea, I would probably pick Bozar if he wanted.

    Thanks, it did not come across rude at all, but informative <3


    AN OFFER TO STAFF: if I can't figure out and fix the plugin running the market world for you, I have a number of MC tech friends who CAN. This really needs to be fixed and Vulengate needs to stop protecting the abandoned plots of friends.

    Abandoned and half-built plots are more prevalent than active shops on the market and I know at least a half-dozen active players who are convinced they can get a better plot by waiting for one of these to be cleared. I tell them they cannot - won't ever be able to - and to just go ahead and purchase an empty plot.

    FIX THIS, please.