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  • Abandoned Market Plots?


    I am going to open a market shop soon and noticed that many of the existing shops - ones that have been on the server since I joined - have 0-5 items and players who I've never seen online. It appears the plots have been abandoned. Is there a certain amount of time before a player will lose the plot if they do not build on it or put items for sale in their shop? It seems a shame to see active merchants placed farther and farther out when so many inner merchants never established their store.

    Sorry if this has been answered already!
    I believe it's 30 days before it's unrented of them being offline but I may be wrong, since they paid 125k for it shouldn't be too short a time.
    It seems to me it might benefit everyone involved to revisit the policies? An original owner who has failed to establish a minimal shop within a certain amount of time - or has neglected it for a certain period of time - could be refunded their investment. New merchants can purchase the plots and overall, the market is in better shape. :)
    With the increase in market plots being purchased, a function to remove inactive shops seems to be a necessity.
    It should be clear that if a shop is left unattended for a specific amount of time, it will cease to exist. A partial refund could prevent some anger, however, 50% seems like quite a bit. Perhaps something closer to 25% if a partial refund is necessary. There is a fairly high chance that they had made some money from the shop, so a lower refund seems reasonable. If however someone paid the $125K, didn't build anything, perhaps tried to sell items that normally wouldn't sell well, or just priced everything too high, then the loss is on them.
    right, however, it should be a blanket policy that is made upfront. I would also personally like the ability to transfer plot ownership, so we could have the ability to sell plots themselves.
    For example, Kim gave her shop plot to mining mama 71 and mining has now got shops on that plot but when you walk on it it still says Kimbr so I think they caould also change that
    Yes, I also think that you should be able to "Give" Your market plot to others if you have had enough of it and I also agree that you should get some of the money back as 125k is alot
    It should be clear that if a shop is left unattended for a specific amount of time, it will cease to exist. A partial refund could prevent some anger, however, 50% seems like quite a bit. Perhaps something closer to 25% if a partial refund is necessary. There is a fairly high chance that they had made some money from the shop, so a lower refund seems reasonable. If however someone paid the $125K, didn't build anything, perhaps tried to sell items that normally wouldn't sell well, or just priced everything too high, then the loss is on them.

    Also, the best I can tell, a fairly large percentage of the plots are just abandoned. I've been open about not being happy with a fully-stocked, outer-ring plot...while a dozen stores are selling 0-5 items are closer in. I think these things are needed:

    1) Build approval

    2) Minimum number of items must be sold

    3) Minimum amount of shop maintenance required

    4) A refund policy established

    5) The ability to transfer ownership

    6) A "use it or lose it" policy enforced

    Are there other things you would add?
    I would just like to say that currently I am not selling a extremely large amount of things as my shop which I have been building on for a month and a half is still not done. I will be selling loads more items by the 13th of may though. So I do agree with your idea penny, but when people are still creating their shops it can be difficult to find space and items while your so busy constructing
    Oh, I definitely understand what a long, arduous process it is! I'm still working on mine. Still, I think we all can agree that some plots are not and perhaps never were actually participating in the actual market and that doesn't benefit anyone. Looking forward to your progress!
    thank you, XD

    It'll probably be th biggest thing I built in minecaft, and that includes creative mode XD
    As a new member comming to this server looking to stay long term, make donations, play 50+ hours a week and overall invest a lot into my new server home this issue was the first thing I saw. Penny and voodoo maybe a few others are the only active stores I saw. As a big redstoner I am working on farms so I too can enter the market and be competitive. With that said I see no reason to keep active players pushed to the edge with no visability. I vote this idea gets pushed fwd and becomes ligit in what ever manner the server owner deems fit. This will positivly effect the market and create a much more healthy market square rather than the ghost city it is now.
    I do agree with you, but penny and voodoo are not the only active ones. They might sell the most items, but that does not mean that others put effort into their plots and others also sell other items. If you are looking for a front row shop, I am selling floors on my scraper ;)

    Pter, no is denying that others put a great deal of effort into their market plots. However, it is obvious that many are not and remain abandoned.

    Your dilemma in selling floors in your skyscraper is a good example of the problem. Most players prefer to buy items through the auction house or player-to-player. It kills me when I see someone in world chat buy a stack of leathers for $500 when they could have gotten them in my shop for $50. The auction is more convenient, though.

    So we struggle to get players to come to the market and when they do - they want to accomplish their mission FAST. Coming all the way out to the third ring (me) or up several floors (you) to shop is asking even more of players who just want to get what they want and move on with their game time.
    I need to say this...

    What's happened with the market is not cool at all. It's not fair and it makes the market and the server look bad. Yesterday, I talked to THREE different people who are opening a shop soon. All three were under the mistaken impression that they had a chance at one of the abandoned plots. They don't.

    When I started this thread, I was told the market would be "cleared" of abandoned shops "soon." Not wanting to wait, I went ahead with my shop and it's a good thing I did. The market wasn't cleared at all!

    What happened was each owner of abandoned plots was contacted. One threw a chest out front to give the impression they were working on and would finish their build. Another has a mod selling a few standard items. One put out a chest offering cake for $100. Another put out a sign offering to let others sell in their shop. With other shops, the owner logged in and out briefly, but every single chest in their shop is sold out and has been since I have been on the server. None are active players.

    The end result is that nothing has changed. Staff needs to put an end to the rumor that if a plot is abandoned for 30 days, it will become available. Players are relying on this to their detriment - don't do that to them. Those plots are never going to be cleared as long as you allow this abuse.

    I think that's bad policy.