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    1. Hailey

      Art submission for RED

      Hi, I've put your art in the gallery! Thanks for submitting :) Hailey
    2. Hailey

      Art for Red

      Apologies, I could've sworn I put the art up. It's up for sure now! Hailey
    3. Hailey

      Art for Red

      Hi, I've put your art in the gallery! Thanks for submitting :) Hailey
    4. Hailey

      The Growing, Prospering Town, of Coastal Plains

      I'm afraid I'll have to deny your town application this time. It's a nice town and I hope you keep expanding it and apply again. Maybe add something unique to it as well, as right now it is a bit ordinary. We're just being highly selective right now as to who gets a town warp. Hope you apply...
    5. Hailey

      Trusghard Town Application

    6. Hailey

      Capital City (Town Application)

    7. Hailey

      I, Baron_Sigma, Lord and Protector of Al-Ramil, Knight of Konigreich, Greet You

      Hello! I've seen your town, it's quite well made, congratulations on the town warp. :) Origami is a pretty fun thing to do, I used to be obsessed with it! I love seeing you on green and I'm glad you're active on discord as well! - Hailey
    8. Hailey

      Small Complaint About the Hunter Job

      If it is not written on the list of things that give money in the jobs information section, you won't receive money for them. As to why they aren't on the list, I'm actually unsure, I think we just use the general template for what gives money in the plugin. I'll bring it up for discussion but I...
    9. Hailey

      Please Remove this Stuff

      Is your claim near that space? We generally don't unclaim plots unless they are far too close to the claim of the person that was first there and they need to expand. What do you need the space for? - Hailey
    10. Hailey

      Welcome to Redfield

      Thank you for your town application! I have approved your town and it will be added to the town warps section in a few days or so. - Hailey
    11. Hailey

      Town Application Konigreich (updated)

      Thank you for your town application, your town will be added to the town warps in a few days or so. Great town! :) - Hailey
    12. Hailey


      As long as the cave rendering part of the mod is turned off/not used, you'll be fine. :) - Hailey
    13. Hailey

      No Parrots?

      It is likely that the parrots have already been tamed in the jungles that you've visited. Parrots are high in demand and because of the currently small server, they are likely to have been found within the first week of the server opening. However, the world is yet to expand with the 1.13 update...
    14. Hailey

      Yuumicchi IN JAIL!!!!

      Sorry for the late reply! Who were you jailed by, and are you unjailed already or not? - Hailey
    15. Hailey

      Lets Count!

      172 wdyM stop being mean. I'm not being mean at all !!!
    16. Hailey

      old noob :)

      Welcome to the forums and I glad this server is what you're looking for! Which server do you play on? - Hailey
    17. Hailey

      oh hi there~

      Welcome back! Glad to have you on the staff team! - Hailey
    18. Hailey

      Hello! My Introduction!

      I'm glad to see you're back! I'll visit the blue server often :) Welcome to the forums! - Hailey
    19. Hailey

      Lets Count!

      165 Markus, stop being weird ^
    20. Hailey

      Lets Count!
