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    1. SilkPenny

      Farm Mob Limit Bug?

      Can this PLEASE get some attention? I've tried everything. We even checked below the pens to see if there were any large collections of hostile mobs. We named each sheep. I've bred them over and over and over again - I can get them up to 4-6 per pen, but they quickly despawn to 1-3 per...
    2. SilkPenny

      Three Word Game

      and fell unconscious
    3. SilkPenny


      I wish there was a master thread showing all the commands available to players in the game. Right now, they are mostly passed around by word of mouth. A master list would be a good place to refer new (and new-ish) players - perhaps a link could be on the chat scroll also? Again, just...
    4. SilkPenny


      Every time I see the message come through chat, I wish it was worded differently. "Want to trade with someone you don't trust?" I think it would sound more friendly if it said "Use /trade for easy, safe trading!" or something like that. Just a thought...
    5. SilkPenny


      THANK YOU!
    6. SilkPenny

      Please Remove this Stuff

      I think that's why the mods use their own judgment - an extensive claim with a lot of work put into it is unlikely to be removed. An empty chest and a crafting bench is fair for removal, I think.
    7. SilkPenny

      Please Remove this Stuff

      The player has not been on the server in over a month and a mod can, at their discretion, remove the former claim. The coords would be helpful, I think?
    8. SilkPenny

      Farm Mob Limit Bug?

      No, and literally anyone can visit the farm and test it. We breed them and then watch as the sheep despawn within seconds. Within minutes, more have despawned. Hours later, even more are gone. Nearby, I conducted a test: I was able to breed (and keep) more cows in a 1.5-chunk pen than I can...
    9. SilkPenny

      Farm Mob Limit Bug?

      My sheep farm - each pen is 16 x 16:
    10. SilkPenny

      Farm Mob Limit Bug?

      Everyone said to try naming the sheep. I spent over $20K buying every available name tag and named each sheep as it was bred. It seemed fine last night...as if it was actually working. I had 4-6 sheep per chunk-size pen. This morning, I logged on and half have despawned. :mad: Can...
    11. SilkPenny

      Farm Mob Limit Bug?

      UPDATE: As I type this, ALL of my colored and NEARLY ALL of my non-colored sheep have despawned. I have ONE white sheep left. This is very frustrating! http://prntscr.com/jdwdot Meanwhile, I walk past this one several times a day and know of another that has over 50 cows 24/7...
    12. SilkPenny

      Farm Mob Limit Bug?

      The farms I am referring to are always full of farm mobs or villagers - I see them every day and have also seen it with farms where the player hasn't been on in a few days, so I know they are not breeding. Their mobs are not despawning. Since we were told 25 mobs per chunk was the limit, I...
    13. SilkPenny

      Farm Mob Limit Bug?

      I'm having a problem and it was suggested I post it here... My colored sheep are despawning. I have tried different biomes, different locations on the map and each time have made their individual pens larger. Last night, I literally made each pen 16 x 16, which is the size of one chunk. In...
    14. SilkPenny

      Abandoned Market Plots?

      Oh, I definitely understand what a long, arduous process it is! I'm still working on mine. Still, I think we all can agree that some plots are not and perhaps never were actually participating in the actual market and that doesn't benefit anyone. Looking forward to your progress!
    15. SilkPenny

      Abandoned Market Plots?

      Also, the best I can tell, a fairly large percentage of the plots are just abandoned. I've been open about not being happy with a fully-stocked, outer-ring plot...while a dozen stores are selling 0-5 items are closer in. I think these things are needed: 1) Build approval 2) Minimum number...
    16. SilkPenny


      Well, I thought maybe posting here WAS letting the mods know? ;) They are awfully busy in game, so I hate to bother them. But I think we'd all appreciate it if a mod would fix it or tear it down. I'll try posting to Discord instead...
    17. SilkPenny

      Tree House Event Winners

      CONGRATULATIONS to all the winners! Great entries and deserving winners!
    18. SilkPenny

      Command Not Working?

      /plot home is not working for me. Also, are trusted players not allowed to access your chests - example, for restocking? My helper can't help! :D
    19. SilkPenny


      This reminds me - someone told me redstone contraptions are not allowed on market plots? Is this true?
    20. SilkPenny


      Can SOMEONE make the automatic door in the empty store plot on the Green server STOP opening and closing incessantly? Thanks, Mom :eek::eek::eek: