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  • Yellow Town Application


    New Member
    Town Name - Violentiam
    Which Server - Yellow
    Coordinates you want the warp to teleport to 9033, 65, 8635
    Town Mayor - LlamaSpit47
    Town Population - 9
    Town Status - Application Required

    Town Rules
    • If members are inactive for longer than 20 days, their claim will be removed and building either put up for rent or destroyed to make room for more plots.
    • No harsh language, hate speech or profanity in any player-built plot, if it is found in your house, you will be forced to either destroy it and pay a 500 dollar fine, or be evicted from your plot.
    • Be nice, and have fun!
    Other Information
    • I have one co-mayor, Mnker.
    • Our town hall is different than the traditional norms, instead of a building, our rules, information, and town member board are clustered around the tree at the entrance to the town. Our vision for this was not a building, but a sort of town square. All of the required information is in this area.
    • Our town is based upon an aesthetic building style, mostly spruce and dark oak buildings, that we have a few standards on whether or not they would be accepted. If your building is not accepted, we will either give you the option to rebuild if you are a new member, or take down the building and buy a townhouse.
    • if new members feel they cannot build up to our town`s expectations, they will be provided a home and will have to pay a 1000 dollar one-time purchase of the build.
    • We also have a dedicated shop area where members can purchase a shop plot and be able to build a shop for other members of the server to have access to. The plots have a 5000 dollar one-time rent fee that they must pay to come in ownership of the plot.
    • W are not strict about these rules, but if your building is an eyesore and you are disobeying multiple of the town rules, you will be removed from our town. There will be warnings, but our decision is final when the time comes.
    All in all, me and Mnker just want to build a good-looking fun community for both new and old players.
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    Unfortunately your town warp application has been denied at this time.
    Whilst your town looks very nice, there are a few inactive users which drop your town below the requirements. If the town gets its amount of residents up and shows continued development feel free to re-apply for the warp and we'll take another look!