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  • Why not make the PVP arena more interesting?


    New Member
    In all honesty, the new PVP arena across all the new servers are pretty bland. A bunch of strewn blocks of a brown palette mixed with the green foliage. The right side area of the arena seems pretty small and awkward due to the main centerpiece tree being more on the righthand side. The most interesting part is the tree and we can't even walk on the roots. I initially felt like it was some sort of gorilla habitat. So I had an idea in mind.

    Why not bring back the old market from old blue and old red, but not for commerce but as a setting for the PVP arena? Bring back popular market buildings from both of the old servers and fashion them like a lot of time has passed with overgrown vines and leaves. Obviously you could tear down some walls and collapse some basements to get that ancient feeling and more significantly to balance out the arena (so you don't have people just hiding inside buildings).

    I think it could be an awesome homage to the old market and the previous servers overall, as well as make the PVP arena a more attractive place to battle in.

    (Also there may be a lot of controversy on whose shops should be brought into the new arena so maybe a poll should be set up in which buildings should be brought over, most top voted shops get chosen!)

    EDIT: It would probably be much easier having one arena duplicated across the servers, but thinking out loud over here, maybe if new blue were to get their old market as an arena and the same for old red, that would be pretty cool too. Green would just have a mixture of both.
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    Love the idea Nard, I don't do a lot of pvping but I can see how that would make things more interesting for those who do