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  • Well, that just goes to show.


    New Member
    I have noticed that vulengate is unfair. There are trolls who are considered untachable by the mods, such as draktonis, who continually hurts the economy and social aspect of vulengate and yet never seems to recieve any consequence for his actions. there have been people who admit to theft, and nothing is done. I swear in chat and am perma banned, yet other people have done it literally around children and have been told so, did not stop, and were as far as i am aware not punished. Granted, i asked to be permabanned, because vulengate is garbage, but it just goes to show... if they like you, you can do no wrong. if they dont, you are evil. RUN from vulengate now, before you invest all your time and energy into it and become yet another jaded tool to their system.

    As your post may be misleading to some who read it, I will clarify that you were not banned for swearing in chat. You were banned at your own request.


    You claim there is a double standard in the punishments. Yet I look through our logs, and see Dratkonis has been warned multiple times for chat infractions. The same way that you were before you request/demanded to be banned. Though, to ensure equal treatment, if there was any instances of Draktonis (or any other players) having a meltdown in chat and demanding to be banned, let me know and I will make sure they get banned as well.

    Have a good day! I wish you well in finding a new server that you perceive to be more fair and less "garbage".
