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  • /Vote Bug


    New Member
    A fourth line is displayed without a link.



    I'm sure this is just a place holder, but wanted to post it to be on the safe side.
    its not a bug, bugs are usually unintentional errors. this vote list is made by admin or mod, not really sure who got access to change this type of text, also it might be preparation for future Changes.
    its not a bug, bugs are usually unintentional errors. this vote list is made by admin or mod, not really sure who got access to change this type of text, also it might be preparation for future Changes.
    Posted it as a bug since it started to show up after the Voting "update" and would be easy for them to spot since the tag is well known and would grab their attention much faster than something as obscure as "Chat Error" or something along those lines.
    Figured it was a place holder for an upcoming voting site, but wanted let them know just in case it was a mistake they didn't catch.
    :p Just looking out for the server.​