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  • Update new enchant system to reflect previous system

    Orbit Storm

    New Member
    First and foremost, I don't intend for this post to dismiss ongoing efforts to improve Vulengate nor is this a slight against those efforts or the server itself.

    That said, I want to be upfront with how much I already dislike the new enchantment system. It's uninformative, cheesy, and adds a new unwanted dynamic to the experience on Vulengate.

    Enchantment Names
    Several of the enchants have weird, misleading, or otherwise uninformative names. Glowing?! Combat Medic — is this Battlefield? "Confusion" at least lives up to its namesake. All jest aside, "Gears" is another great example. Auto-speed was much more self-explanatory which was greatly aided by...

    Enchantment Descriptions
    These should really be brought back. New/er players will have a much easier time familiarizing themselves with the custom enchantments on Vulengate. To be honest, I'd be much more comfortable with the silly and outlandish enchantment names if a description was available for instant reminder of just what the heck it does.

    Enchantment Purpose/Usage
    I'm going to be frank: if I wanted to play World of Warcraft, that's where I'd be. I'm wholly turned off by the thought of "Shadowstep", a concept that is actually copy/pasted from WoW rogues. I'm not interested in skydiving off random cliffs because this enchantment chose to proc right when I'm exploring a ravine. Smoke Bomb appears to be just another lag-inducer when we already have a collection of Independence Day light shows bursting from our collective anuses when we level.

    Rejuvenation / Mending
    I'm sure removal of Rejuvenation was an unintended side-effect of migrating to a new enchantment system but losing this on some of the crate items is incredibly harsh given how market-driven Mending will become, likely tossing the in-game economy in a circle as everyone scrambles for an awful substitute for Rejuvenation. It'd be fantastic if, assuming this new system offers flexibility, Rejuvenation could be brought back.


    I'm all for improvement but this system brings a whole new level of change and weirdness that makes me feel as though I need to relearn Vulengate a mere three weeks after joining. With some tweaks to names/descriptions and consideration to how some of these enchants will impact gameplay, I think the experience with this new system can be improved.
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    The lack of description for the new enchants is a real problem, made worse by incorrect info in the two sources we have available, which are one post in #Notice Board, and a pinned post in #support describing what the new enchants system is. Unfortunately, they both refer to old enchant names, which won't help newbies at all, and have mistakes, e.g. both posts say that that Combat Rations = Well Fed. This means nothing to newbies, and the two enchants have very different effects, not equivalent at all. Same goes for several other enchants.

    At the very least, there should be a complete and accurate description of each enchant available with no comparison to old enchants, unless they have the exact same effect as before. For example:
    Gears: applies Speed Potion effect (replaces Auto-Speed)
    Rations: chance to regenerate food when attacked​
    Note there's no mention of Well Fed in the Rations description because that was a different enchant altogether.

    Quickly on the OP's other points:
    Most of the rest seems like getting upset simply because something has changed, not that the change is actually bad. Change of any kind makes affected people uncomfortable, and they tend to attack all of it even when only a tiny portion of it (or none) is actually problematic.
    • Names don't matter. It'll take us less time to learn these new names than it did the old names since we already have an idea what enchants are available. I think I know them all already and I haven't even played much in the last couple days. Also "Confusion" is a way better name for that effect than "Electrocution".
    • Shadowstep will teleport you directly behind your opponent when you get hit, so, not while you're exploring a ravine.
    • Smoke Bomb's particles are only a lag for the client, not the server, and any comp that sensitive will already have particles turned to minimal.
    • Mending demand is much higher right now, but that's a blip while everyone puts mending back on all their crate gear. It will probably remain somewhat higher after, but that just means the price of a market item changes. It's nothing.
    As for Rejuvenation, the question here is whether we actually need Rejuvenation and Well Fed. Together, they were OP to the point where I didn't carry food, never worried about any damage and did no maintenance on my crate gear, which was most of it. Add a /fly voucher and it was pretty much like Creative mode. This new enchant system makes the server much more similar to vanilla Minecraft, where you actually have to do things to survive. Personally, I preferred being totally safe all the time, as none of combat with mobs, carrying food, danger of losing my XP levels or repairing gear do anything to enhance my gameplay experience, but that's just me. I imagine most people who play survival probably appreciate those aspects, and I assume the admins took that into consideration.
    The lack of description for the new enchants is a real problem, made worse by incorrect info in the two sources we have available, which are one post in #Notice Board, and a pinned post in #support describing what the new enchants system is. Unfortunately, they both refer to old enchant names, which won't help newbies at all, and have mistakes, e.g. both posts say that that Combat Rations = Well Fed. This means nothing to newbies, and the two enchants have very different effects, not equivalent at all. Same goes for several other enchants.

    At the very least, there should be a complete and accurate description of each enchant available with no comparison to old enchants, unless they have the exact same effect as before. For example:
    Gears: applies Speed Potion effect (replaces Auto-Speed)
    Rations: chance to regenerate food when attacked​
    Note there's no mention of Well Fed in the Rations description because that was a different enchant altogether.

    Quickly on the OP's other points:
    Most of the rest seems like getting upset simply because something has changed, not that the change is actually bad. Change of any kind makes affected people uncomfortable, and they tend to attack all of it even when only a tiny portion of it (or none) is actually problematic.
    • Names don't matter. It'll take us less time to learn these new names than it did the old names since we already have an idea what enchants are available. I think I know them all already and I haven't even played much in the last couple days. Also "Confusion" is a way better name for that effect than "Electrocution".
    • Shadowstep will teleport you directly behind your opponent when you get hit, so, not while you're exploring a ravine.
    • Smoke Bomb's particles are only a lag for the client, not the server, and any comp that sensitive will already have particles turned to minimal.
    • Mending demand is much higher right now, but that's a blip while everyone puts mending back on all their crate gear. It will probably remain somewhat higher after, but that just means the price of a market item changes. It's nothing.
    As for Rejuvenation, the question here is whether we actually need Rejuvenation and Well Fed. Together, they were OP to the point where I didn't carry food, never worried about any damage and did no maintenance on my crate gear, which was most of it. Add a /fly voucher and it was pretty much like Creative mode. This new enchant system makes the server much more similar to vanilla Minecraft, where you actually have to do things to survive. Personally, I preferred being totally safe all the time, as none of combat with mobs, carrying food, danger of losing my XP levels or repairing gear do anything to enhance my gameplay experience, but that's just me. I imagine most people who play survival probably appreciate those aspects, and I assume the admins took that into consideration.

    Agreed that the descriptions of the enchants should have been presented better.
    There is luckily a command "/enchant <enchantname>" that will bring up a GUI with a description of the enchant. This should have been made clear to the players at the start and it's a mistake on our part.
    As for the lists of the replacing enchants. I removed the pinned one in support as it was inaccurate and the one I posted in notice-board was only inteded to display what enchants that would replace the existing enchants. It was never my intention to try to make people think that they worked the same way, so apologies for that.