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  • Town Warp

    Town Name: Bergen
    taken from a real city in Norway with a lot of older buildings
    Server: RED
    Coordinates to warp to: -11994.431 / 66.000 / -1629.04
    Town Mayor: Builderblock97
    Town population: 10 and rising
    Town status: Open
    Thank you for your applications. I think the town looks good and promising. The issues I have with this town that I couldnt find any good information on how to join other than "Ask for permission to build", the area where the coords lead to is very empty/bland looking (I think there should be a town hall or something where you warp to) and that there are large open areas, and not a whole lot of buildings, making the town look unfinished (especially when its near the center of the town). If you improve on these aspects you will have a greater chance of receiving a town warp the next time you apply.