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  • Town Application


    New Member
    Make a new thread using the following format to apply for a town warp, you can advertise your town in the Town forum itself, this form is just for spawn warps. We will be actively checking new posted threads.
    Town Name - Summer Lake
    Which Server - Red
    Coordinates you want the warp to teleport to - 9285 / 69 / -4609
    Town Mayor - MillyMooCow_
    Town Population - 16
    Town Status - (ex. Open, Closed, Application required - Open
    Last edited:
    Hi there,

    Unfortunately your town application has been denied at this time.
    What you have is very nice looking and organized with a lot of potential, however a lot of the 'homes' of your residents are empty/not used and seem more like shells than houses that town members actually use.
    Should your residents become more active/start using their houses more and seem more lived in then by all means create a new town application thread and we'll take another look at your town and consider it for a town warp!