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  • Town Application


    New Member
    • I have 17 members right now!
    • a clean path with decorated outline.
    • neatly build town hall
    • all general info on how to join and what to do.
    • i have planned where i will extend my town when more people want to join.
    • i have over 6 farms including some animal grinders
    • I am the mayor and i have 2 co-mayors (glitterinq&haylsx)
    • ive decided willow woods because of my community tree for the town.
    • its nice and organized.
    • If they are not active within 21 days they will be removed, or any hate towards another player that continues to go on.
    • my town has a co-mayor- glitterinq.
    • we still expand and add new things to make our members happy and more comfortable!
    • signs around paths to help guide new visitors.

    Town Name - Willow Woods
    Which Server - Red
    Coordinates you want the warp to teleport to - 12889 70 1555
    Town Mayor - JarredFrame
    Town Population - 17 Currently
    Town Status - Open
    Last edited:
    Hi jarredframe,

    Your town warp application has been accepted!
    Hope to see continued development and new members joining :)