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  • Town application


    New Member
    Town Name - DreamLand
    Which Server - Yellow
    Coordinates you want the warp to teleport to - X: 11935.993 Y: 65 Z: -6479.991 Facing: south
    Town Mayor - Gmaty
    Town Population - 9 + Mayor (Continuously growing)
    Town Status - Open
    Last edited:
    Hi there,

    Sorry to say but your town warp was denied at this time.
    Your town has large farms and enough active players, however the town is fairly large and empty. It may be fairly inconvenient for new players to join as plots are floating over water meaning you need the supplies to build there

    Should the town start to have some more development and you continue to have active members building and contributing to the town then by all means reapply and we'll take another look at it!