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  • Tell me I need some help my dudes


    New Member
    So, I have read the rules and saw nothing about afk fishing farms. I don't want to do it to stay afk for over night just when I want things like enchant books or better rods. I have seen people say how "its not allowed" in chat but nothing is said about afk farms in the rules. Once again not going to afk at it I know there is a afk kicker.

    -Thanks for your time
    "15. Cheating the AFK Kicker is NOT allowed"
    "- It would be impossible for us to list every possible wrongdoing in the rules. Use your sense of right and wrong to guide your actions on the server.
    You can still be punished for things that are not explicitly stated in the rules."

    Don't build one to begin with, mods will just tear it down when they find it. Chat was giving you a heads up, typically if multiple people say it, it's true. If you want those things I suggest making grinders with spawners like other people do, which are allowed.