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  • Summer Lake Town Application


    New Member
    Make a new thread using the following format to apply for a town warp, you can advertise your town in the Town forum itself, this form is just for spawn warps. We will be actively checking new posted threads.
    Town Name - Summer Lake
    Which Server - Red
    Coordinates you want the warp to teleport to - 9285 / 69 / -4609
    Town Mayor - xXsolar_
    Town Population - 16
    Town Status - (ex. Open, Closed, Application required - Open
    Hi there,

    Unfortunately your town application has been denied at this time
    While very nicely designed this is due to the fact it doesn't seem like much has changed since you last applied, with a lot of the houses/buildings looking empty or unoccupied. A suggestion that came up would be if you're managing the town alone perhaps try looking for a co-mayor to help manage the town and recruit members
    If some more development and players take up residence and their homes are lived in and not just empty, then you can apply again for us to take another look at Summer Lake