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  • Stolen Money


    New Member
    I had money taken by staff and they will not give it back. They took money for fishing. I have caught a total of 7022 fish. It is in my stats. the rest was broken tools which you do not get paid for. They took around 600k for some reason which is abuse . You get paid 12 dollars for one fish caught. The total they should of taken is 105,330 . This means staff took 494,670 for no reason. I have talked to kuren who will not give me my money and does not tell me why. Some of that money was from crate items i paid real money for so I consider it a crime. How did they fix it? They muted me. I want my money you stole from me.
    Okay, first of all I want to apologise to you. I said that stats were saved locally but I've learned that they are not, they are stored together with the server files but that only makes this easier. I had your statistics looked at and it showed that you had fished a total of 39484 on the green server. Not 7022 fish as you're saying. But you are right that the statistics also include the broken tools and treasure that is part of McMMO. However, at lvl 875 fishing and above it's only a 20,36% chance to get a non fish (see McMMO wiki http://mcmmo.wikia.com/wiki/Fishing ) which would mean that out of the 39484, about 31445 out of those would be fish.

    As for the money, the price gained per fish increases as your job lvl grows higher. These screenshots are taken at lvl 1 fisherman and lvl 50 fisherman and both are while having 4 other active jobs.


    As you can see the money gained from each fish heavily increases and you get paid more from catching more rare fish. And its only about a 4/7th chance to get the raw fish with LotS 3 (see Minecraft Wiki https://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Fishing. Keep in mind that McMMO removes the vanilla chance to get non fish) so about 3/7th of the 31445 fish would be $16 or more (based on lvl 1 fishing).

    Now it is possible to simulate the amount of money you would've earned from 31445 fish but to simplify things, we can use the algorithm to calculate the xp required to lvl up the fishing job (see GitHub for Jobs https://github.com/Zrips/Jobs/blob/master/src/main/resources/jobConfig.yml). The algorithm used is "leveling-progression-equation: 10*(joblevel)+(joblevel*joblevel*4)". Your level before being reset was 72. Using the algorithm we can find out the required xp to reach lvl 72 which is 512904xp. And as we can tell from the screenshots of the jobs, the xp rates are static while the money increases per lvl. At lvl 50 fisherman all the fish grant more money than xp and since the xp required to reach lvl 50 is only 173950xp we can assume that (512904-173950 / 512904 = 0.66) 66% of the fish caught gave you more money than experience.

    So, since you've accumulated at least 512904 experience 66% of the fish caught have given you more money than experience I would say it's safe to assume that you have made ~547k (no, not 600k) through fishing, that we removed from your account.

    If any of my calculations are wrong, please prove them wrong.

    EDIT: And as for your mute, that has nothing to do with the fishing. You were muted because you were harassing people on the server.
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    you are wrong again. my stats say 7022 raw fish. 30 plus caught items which is tools and armor. you forgot that my fishing pole is enchanted which makes all your stats bullshit. you may sound smart but you seem to not be as smart as you think. you stole from me and i want my money back. if you have logs then where are the ones of me using some sort of afk thing.you do not have one because i dont use anything like that. why do you only mute me when people like this yahoo above me is constantly harassing me. Baron. you sound like a dipshit when you have no clue what you are talking about. o wait, you sound like staff.
    Here is the catch, the stats saved on the client side are the fish fished with a rod, manualy. The server side stats are all the fish generated under your name ( afk fishing count under your name) if there is a difference between the 2 stats data that only prove the point that an afk fishing way been used... and apparently a lot of time seeing the stats difference.
    my stats are the same. now since i brought up the enchantment on my pole they say it is turned off. they are telling me that all enchantments on fishing poles do not work. they also said that on a vanilla server the enchantment luck of the sea does not work. even if that is true which it is not this server is modded.
    I told you that luck of the sea barely affects the % to get a fish rather than something else in vanilla minecraft. Luck of the sea only increases your chances to get treasure rather than trash when you're not getting fish (See minecraft wiki https://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Fishing). With McMMO installed you have an option to turn off the vanilla treasures and since they are turned off on the server luck of the sea should not have any affect on your fishing.
    You are wrong but I think I solved my problem. I want you to go in the logs and see when I get kicked for being afk. This happens sometimes because I have fallen asleep while watching a movie while . I want you to show everyone what I was doing right when I was kicked for being afk. It should show me fishing about 95 percent of the time. Please do this because if I was kicked for being afk while fishing more than a couple of times well then there is my proof. I do not want you to say it can not be done because I know it can.
    I do not think I can see what you were doing before you got kicked or when you were kicked for being afk. If you know how to check this please let me know. I can only find out when you have logged out and where you logged out to as far as I know. You have log outs at your fishing spot but I can't know if they are from being afk or not.
    yes you can. funny how now you can not do this . I proved i did nothing wrong with data. funny you can see me being kicked for afk. odd. because you can. show the logs and tell the truth for once. it is simple.it should look like this. voooodooo lost connection: TranslatableComponent{key='disconnect.timeout'. before that it should show my activity as fishing. so this means your hole afk kicker crap is a lie.