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  • Server Rhyming Sentence


    New Member
    I am a red player, and while I was playing I noticed that 5 people were online, I decided to write a piece to go with red, which was red is dead. But then an idea struck me. why not do this with all servers! /server orange, /server yellow, /server green, /server blue and /server purple.

    I then had my piece and I thought it was a good game to play. Give it a go. Here's mine! :D

    red is dead, orange isnt very gorringe, yellow is mellow, green is mean [:C], blue is poo and purple is phew, some people!

    dont take it offensively, most servers said, wb, exept green :C. and well blue just rhymes with poo.

    If you like an extra challenge, try not to use the same words as other people, other then the server name ofc.

    idk give it a go!
    -Glückspilz, the lucky mushroom :D