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  • Purple Town Application


    New Member
    Hello! I have a fun group of people and we've started a little town! Thank you for considering our application!

    Town Name - The Village
    Which Server - Purple
    Coordinates you want the warp to teleport to - 2244 65 645
    Town Mayor - NormaTattoo, co mayor RoH_Ghost
    Town Population - 10
    Town Status - Application required
    Hi MiningMama,

    Your town application was denied at this time.
    The reasons for this was primarily that a lot of the town members were no longer active and the houses were a bit small for people to properly live in over a longer term.
    If you get some more active members to meet the requirements and perhaps slightly increase the sizes of the dwellings so they're a bit more functional then you could reapply and we'll give it another look over!