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  • Pet stuck on Fishing Island


    New Member
    Hi, I've just started today, after wandering around the map and taming a dog I decided to check the fishing island, I warped there and my dog warped with me. Then I logged of, now my dog is stuck on the fishing island because when I logged in he was sitting on the spawn platform (when I logged off he wasen't) and I cant make him stand up and follow me. Is it possible to unstuck him?
    We would need your ign (in-game-name) and which colour server you are playing on.
    Ok, as your sethome is on the water/boat i had to put a little platform on the top for your dog but he's home :)
    Sorry if I write in here but I don't know if I should apen a new thread since the new problem is my pet again. I had him with me, then I used the /rtp command and the dog didn't teleport with me, I've gone back to the previous location and it wasn't there. Is possible to know if he still exist? Otherwise I'll try to find a new one and tame it
    Thanks again