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  • Old Times


    New Member
    I used to be very active on the server, from Red to Blue when there were only 2 and now I am sometimes on Purple. I started on the server back in 2017, where I met a player who then went by stuffedbutt, they changed it later to FishOfTheSticks. We started talking and played on the server everyday and we later got into a actual relationship. He was amazing and we were together on and off due to distance and family matters but we always came back to the server and us for 3 years. We both had out share of personal things going on, mental issues, figuring out who we are. He left here February 22nd 2021 and its been hard getting on the server knowing it was the place I made so many memories with him. It would have been his 23rd birthday tomorrow and I wanted to make a post here to do something for his memory on the server. Many probably do not remember or even talked to him but I hope when you see this its a reminder to hold those you cherish and to have the good times as long as possible. I love the server and the community and I hope to see it continue to grow.

    Gods Speed Char,
    and Thank you for all the memories