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  • New Job: Builder


    New Member
    I would like to officially propose the idea of a new job that has been talked about on the server in the past, but never gone beyond idle chatter. The job idea is Builder, a job that gets paid for placing blocks. This job would likely receive comparatively low income per action, with higher values set to higher value blocks.

    For example, placing cobble may net you .05 while diamond/emerald blocks may yield 1.00 to 5.00 depending on if the class is penalized for breaking those rarer blocks. With penalties for removing rare blocks I suggest higher pay rates for placing those blocks. If you opt not to do this however I suggest low payouts to discourage individuals taking advantage of place-break-place mechanics.

    I have personally seen this job implemented on other servers I have played in the past and feel it has garnered some success in encouraging players to continually expand their repertoire of completed builds. Minecraft is, in a way, electronic legos and while building is a fun part by itself, extra incentives are always welcome.

    If you would like help on determining values for each block placed, I'd be happy to join in on the discussion or make up a mock value sheet as a consultant.
    Update: I've checked Discord and seen some discussion regarding how Builder could be abused. I understand this dilemma, and propose the following:

    Have items picked up remove value gained, like placing ore on miner currently does.

    Have a scale that continually pays out low, but does reward people who put in large amounts of time into building and then rewards them for building out of nicer materials at those higher tiers.

    IE: If you wanted them to earn 100,000 exp and for it to take 20 hours (at a rate of 5 blocks/second) or more before gaining any significant amount of money they would need to gain .27 (rounded down) exp per block placed. During that time they would place 360,000 blocks that, if you pay them .01 per block for they would only earn 3,600 gold for. This seems like it would discourage people from taking the job and grinding it, especially if once you reach that 100,000 exp the money gain is, on average, only equal to mid tier mining. However for people that were serious about staying on the server and building it may still be enticing enough for them to take.